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IT was the next day of the games and the pack were all lying on the ground, asleep. Glimmer was laying on Dames arm but he asleep so he didn't notice. Damian shifts around for a moment before opening his eyes. He notices Glimmer laying on his, he makes a disgusted face before moving away. He sits on the ground and waits for the others to wake up, he keeps an eye on the surrounding to make sure no tribute is trying to sneak up on the pack.

He sees someone sit right next to him in the corner of his eye, he sees the flash of ginger hair. He looks over to see Marcus sitting next to him, "Hey Ginger, what's up?" he asks and Marcus chuckles.

"Nothing, I wanted to chat with you since the others are still sleeping." Marcus replies with the classic Odair smile, his brother has it as well. Damian smiles and the two continue talking with each other.

"So why'd you volunteer for the games?" Damian asks Marcus who looks at the sky with a soft sigh, he looks at Damian with soft eyes, "I wanna be like Finnick, he's the person I look up at." he replies with a very light and quiet chuckle.

"I agree, my brother is basically my parent." The young Hadley replies, he looks at Marcus, "An older brother is all you need sometimes..." Marcus nods in agreement from what his friend said, he looks at him before asking him a question.

"Why'd you volunteer?" The Odair asks, raising a brow. Damian stays silent for a moment before looking over at Clove who was still peacefully sleeping. 

"Her." Damian nods his head towards Clove, "I joined to be with her,"  Marcus smiles at Dames's reason to join the games. The two continue talking until about thirty minutes later everyone else have finally awaken. 

"We should head towards the cornucopia, tributes will most likely be there." Damian says, pointing a certain direction. They all nod and begin walking to the direction of the cornucopia, all of them were talking and laughing minus Peeta who was just silent.  

Peeta walks up to Damian, holding something his hand, he taps Damian on the shoulder. The career looks at him and raises a brow, "Yes?"

"A-are these safe to eat?" The district twelve tribute asks with a gentle but scared tone, he shows Damian some berries he had picked earlier that morning. He looks at the berries closely before responding, "No, it's nightlock, you'd be dead in a minute."

Peeta drops the nightlock and wipes the poison off of his hand, "Thanks..." He mumbles softly towards the kind career. Damian nods before giving Peeta a handful of some sort of red berries, "Eat these instead." 

Peeta smiles softly, "Thank you," 

The blonde career nods as he continues to walk with the others while the pack is walking they hear a loud splash noise. They all look at each other before smirking, "Guess the gamemakers left us a little present!" Marvel says with an evil type of snicker. 

"Let's go!" Dames says before heading to where the noise was at, they were all laughing. Marvel looks at a pond and points at a figure. They all look to see Katniss, their main target. Damian whistles and starts running towards Katniss, the tribute starts running away from them all. 

"Come on Katniss!" Damian yells with pride as he runs after her, he was faster than the others. Clove and Peeta were in the back, Katniss climbs up a tree and looks down at the pack.

"I'm gonna get you!" Damian shouts as he begins to climb the tree, the others were cheering him on.

"Get her Dames!" Clove shouts at him while smiling brightly, they all continue cheering while Damian climbs the tree. He's about to reach her when a branch snaps and causes him to fall to the ground. He groans before standing up, Glimmer pushes him out the way and aims her bow.

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