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Damian wakes up from his sleep, he gets out of bed, he looks around his room, they were staying in a building until the games. He gets up and goes to the bathroom, he takes a shower then puts on his training outfit. The tributes were going to start training today, Damian brushes his teeth and brushes his hair before going to the living room of the apartment.

"Morning Dames," Remus says, patting his shoulder, "Morning," The tribute replies as Clove walks into the living area. Her height difference with Damian was pretty big, he was about seven inches taller than her at most. Remus has the two sit down at the table so he can speak with them.

"I have a question for you two, do you guys wanna train together or alone?" The mentor asks, "Together." they say at the same time, Remus chuckles before speaking again.

"So training starts today, I want you two to intimidate the others by showing off your skills, can you two do that?" He asks and the other two nod in response, he smiles at the two, "Good luck tributes."


The tributes were all in a circle while a lady was speaking to them, telling them ways they can die in the arena. While she's speaking, Damian catches the eyes of Katniss Everdeen on him, he stares back while a smirk was written on his face. She looks away, turning her attention back on the lady. Clove looks up at Damian who was listening to the instructor, obviously bored. She smirks before turning her head away.

The instructor had finished talking and all the tributes were training, Damian was training with a sword, he was really talented with it. He sees Katniss Everdeen watching him, he stares back at her, impaling a dummy from behind. She looks over to Clove, his gaze follows her. Clove was throwing knives and scoring the middle of the target every single time. He smirks at Katniss's reaction and continues training. He changes his training and now he's throwing spears then again not missing one target. As he is training, he hears the district six boy talking about Bishop, he listens closely to hear what the boy is saying.

"It's so pathetic how the district two boy is related to Bishop, the pathetic scored tenth place." The tribute snickers with one of his friends. Damian can feel anger rising in him, he charges at the tribute and instructor holds him back. 

"You don't have the right to talk shit about my brother!" Damian yells, this catches the attention of the rest of the tributes, "Keep his name out your mouth!" He shouts. Clove was standing in a line behind the district seven girl and Katniss, she looks at Damian, a soft smirk tugs at her lips as he protects his deceased older brother.

"You know what? It doesn't matter, you'll be the first one I get in that arena!" Damian shouts, walking the other way with an instructor. What he just did made him highly feared to the other tributes.


It was the next day and they were in the training room, the careers have made an alliance to work together in the games. They were watching the others train, laughing when they failed, Damian was standing next to Clove. He notices Peeta, the district twelve male tribute, trying to climb a net. 

"Guys watch this," Damian snickers and the others look towards Peeta, they all watch him climb but he ends up falling. The career pack starts snickering while looking at Peeta, Damian smirks at the fail, targeting the boy for the games. Katniss walks over to Peeta and says something to him, he responds back before getting off of the ground.  

Peeta walks to the huge weights that are meant for throwing, he picks up the heaviest one, the pack look at each other then back at Peeta. Peeta throws the weight, knocking a stand of spears over next to the pack. Glimmer, Clove and Marvel were shocked while Damian was impressed, he looks back at the group. 

"Not bad," he says to the others and they nod in agreement. He looks at Peeta up and down before talking to the others again. He was talking to Glimmer while Marvel talked to Clove.

"Why'd you volunteer?" Glimmer asks as she crossed her arms and looked at him. He looks back at her with a slight smile tugging at his lips.

"I did it for love and friendship." He replies, glancing at Clove, "I wasn't letting my best friend come here alone," Glimmer nods at his response. 

"That's cute, you came to the games just so you won't live without her." Glimmer smiles, "You must be a huge gentleman," he smiles at her comment. Glimmer smiles back before going to talk to Marvel. Clove walks over to Damian and talks to him for a bit. 


Damian was laying in his bed, thinking about the games and what could happen, he also thinks back to the training. At training he never noticed the ginger boy staring at him. Damian closes his eyes and instantly passes out.

(A/N): Srry it took awhile to publish, i've been busy

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