Chapter 8

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(Narrator's POV)

Bakugo awoke with Camie(still naked) in bed after their night together. He smiled a bit as he looked at her sound asleep. He had to admit: She looked cute when she was sleeping. Getting up out of bed, he headed to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. It was clear he had wear and tear on him despite only being in his early 20s. Getting killed by a maniac like Shigaraki and then having someone as honorable as Edgeshot give their life to save you will make you think about a lot that you didn't consider before.

Bakugo gently placed his hand over his heart and smiled. It was something that he did to honor Edgeshot in a way. At that same moment, he felt a pair of arms around him.

"Morning, Bakugo. You sleep well?" Camie asked as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah. I slept alright. You?" He asked as Camie giggled.

"Listen. If you ever want to meet up again, I left my number on the nightstand over there. I gotta get moving. It was great seeing you again." She said as she kissed him on the cheek before getting her clothes on and leaving.

"Huh. Well. Guess I'll go grab a bite to eat." Bakugo said to himself.


"One bowl of Miso Ramen." Bakugo said as he was getting something to eat. After his fun with Camie, he decided to grab a quick bite because contrary to popular belief, sex can work up an appetite. Especially with someone like Camie.

Sitting down at a table, Bakugo began to eat…only to be approached by a familiar face.

"Bakugo?" The voice of Shoto Todoriki said as he sat down at the table as well.

"Heh. Well if it isn't the detective. How you doing, Icey Hot?" Bakugo asked with a chuckle as Shoto simply smirked and shook his head. Even now, the two of them still had a friendly rivalry of sorts.

"We're adults now and you're still calling me that? Glad to see some things never change. Or at least in this case. Can't say the same with my own family." Shoto said as Bakugo gave him a look.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be in a better mood. I know Endeavor is gone but still I thought things were better between you and your Mom." He said.

"They are. It's just that she doesn't approve of me being a detective. Says it's too dangerous and that she doesn't want to lose me too. I keep telling her that I'll be fine but now she's got Momo in the same mindset. It's a mess. Part of me envies you, you know? It feels like you got out of here when the getting was good." Shoto said as Bakugo chuckled.

"I'm still getting grilled by everyone on leaving so suddenly. But anyway, if you need someone to keep an eye on your Mom, I'll do it." He said as Shoto smiled.

"If you did that, I'd appreciate it. I work crazy hours so I can't check in with her as much as I'd like, so I could use someone I can trust to keep an eye on her." He said.

"We may have been at each other's throats but there's still a bond there, Icey Hot. It'd be pretty shitty of me to not help an old classmate out if they need help. Besides, your Mom never did me any wrong." Bakugo said.

"That's because you never gave her a chance to. I'm sure after a while, Ms Mitsuki will seem like an Angel in comparison. But anyway, thank you. I'll tell her your coming. See you around, Katsuki." Shoto said as he headed off.

After he finished and paid for his ramen, Bakugo headed to the Todoriki residence and saw that the door was slightly open. Still, he decided to knock.

"Ms Rei? You home? It's Katsuki. Your son's friend?" The young man called out as he peered inside and saw Rei Todoriki sitting on the couch, a bottle of sake on the table.

“Oh. You…are Mitsuki’s son, right? Shoto’s classmate? I can't remember the last time we've seen each other, if at all. But that just comes with age, I suppose.” She said as Bakugo looked at her for a moment. Sighing he walked in and picked up the empty bottle of sake.

“Did you solo this entire bottle? I know you're worried about Shoto, but drinking yourself into a coma isn't going to help…..” Bakugo said while shaking his head.

“Don't you dare judge me. It's all because Shoto won't consider my feelings or the feelings of that Momo girl. He's the selfish onnnne…..uh….” Rei slurred as she ended up passing out on the couch.

“That may be true but at least he's being productive….” Bakugo said as he saw a blanket nearby and put it on Rei as she slept.

“Considering she downed that whole bottle, she'll be out for a while.” Bakugo said as Shoto came in the house and just observed the scene.

“(Sighs) Let me guess: She drank herself to sleep?” He asked.

“Wow. Those detective skills are sharp.” Bakugo replied with a chuckle as Shoto smiled.

“Thanks Bakugo. Momo is on her way over here, so you don't have to stay if you don't want to. I better get to work. Thanks again.” Shoto said as he left. Bakugo sighed as he looked at Rei. It made him wonder if his own mother was like this when she worried about him.

Shaking his head, he left the house.

No smut in this chapter because I felt it would be wrong since anyone who knows the story of Rei Todoriki knows she's been through Hell.

Anyway, see ya next chapter.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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