Why am I?

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The hubris I had, throughout most of my lifetime! I'll put my pen to paper for the final time. No more stories, no more creations!
It's time for the world to sing its requiem without my guidance. Was I wrong to think I was special? That my actions are justified, for I have heard the Voice first? I needed countless millennia to realize, I am just as human as everyone else is.
So this is my one chance to apologize. I was there when humans first made tools, when they gathered in communities, turned forests into fields, raised nations, waged wars, and all I could think of how little that means in the grand scheme of things. But it all added up. And now here we are.
This planet with its beautiful mountains, strong rivers, unified in one serpent-like continent wasn't waiting for me to create this story, it was waiting for you to read it.
So here it is. My one chance to redeem myself. But first, we have to go back to when it all started. At least for him. An unexpected encounter with a stranger.
Do you believe in the value of life, even when in the eye of death everything is equal? That is not a question to you, it's something he pondered for a long time.

– W. 2032. Febuary

The bloodred Moon's light luminated the dark damp pavement. The only thing that disturbed the street's silence were a massive man's footsteps. Before he entered the warehouse he carefully looked around for any curious eyes in the shadows. What he failed to notice was a girl sitting atop a lamp post observing his every move. He walked up to a large wooden crate obscured by a thick layer of dust, but it all disappeared as he jammed his hand under the wood and tore the top off like it was made of paper.
He leaned into the box and began unloading the contents of it. The girl used this opportunity to her advantage to strike from the shadows with the movement of a feline sneaking up behind its prey. The girl did not expect any resistance, but a unsettling grin was painted across the man's face.
"Finally, you show yourself!" The trap was already set, and it was too late for the girl to escape. The man whipped out a machinegun from the crate and unloaded a burst of fire in the direction of his enemy. She dodged out of the way but to her demise a new opponent struck from the shadows and knocked her out.

Some time passed, and the girl woke up to someone's loud restless footsteps circling her. As she finally rose her head, they shoved a bright lamp into her face. The orange haired girl wore a green vest and shorts. The large pockets on her shorts were emptied by her captors, but not long ago they were full of her gadgets. On the shoulders of her vest were two letters: C.O.

"Julia Gatto, otherwise known as Cat." Said the bulky bald man with a satisfied grin on his face. "If the Cleaners want someone executed silently, they send you." The man leaned closer to the girl. "But unfortunately for you, we knew you were coming."

Three guys. Piece of cake. But that annoying sound... They put sound cuffs in my ear. I'm screwed. She contemplated her next move as she looked around.

"Huh, you tied me up and used my own sound cuffs to subdue me? I guess you couldn't afford a pair. Your master must keep you on pretty tight leashes."

"Well you were kind enough to lend us yours! And now without your abilities you are nothing more than a fragile girl tied up." The man leaned so close, that his warm dap breath stroked the girl's face.
Using this moment of smugness, she headbutted her capturer. "Well, this girl just broke your nose. What does that make you then?"

"You bitch!" Screamed the man holding his bloody nose. "I will gut you and send you back in pieces to your friends!" As the man charged at Julia he suddenly felt a slight resistance around his ankle, just noticeable enough to make him look down.

"What the?" Groaned the tall man trying to figure out what that was. Wires wrapped around his ankles and his whole body was strung up by his feet.

"Showoff." Julia scuffed, pointing her piercing gaze into the shadows with an annoyed look.

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