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Rosa sat in the middle of the class as everyone around her awaited her explanation. "What happened to you in that forest..." Suddenly the classroom door slammed open as their literature teacher entered.

"Alright class! Sit down and open your books-" The chubby man calmly ordered the children, as he walked straight towards his desk. But Ken and Marco pushed him out of the classroom and barricaded the door with chairs.

"We don't have time for this old man!" Shouted Ken at the door.

"We're gonna get in so much trouble for that!" Terry was sweating buckets.

"I don't care I need answers!" Ken silenced Terry's worries.

"What happened to you all in that forest; it's called a Wave. What happened to Ken, Luna and Taran is going to happen to all of you." Said Rosa fiddling with her fingers, not looking at any of them.

"We're all gonna have terrible hair?" Asked Marco gagging from the thought.

"Watch your mouth fatso!" Ken grabbed the boy by his shirt.

"You can rest easy Marco, that's not it. You all will develop your own powers." Rosa explained.

"You think I have bad hair?" Ken looked at Rosa defeated a way he never felt before. His hair went limp on his head. Rosa acted like she didn't even hear Ken's question.

"I don't know the Why of it, and I only had powers for a while, so I don't know much." Said Rosa bright pink form all the attention. "I'm sorry!" Ginna was fanning her with an exercise book so she wouldn't faint again.

"And how long have you had your power?" Ren asked, leaning forward in his seat. Rosa went silent for a second

"I think it's been two, maybe three months."

"That long!?" Shouted everyone in unison.

"Three months can pass like five minutes sometimes..." Rosa said, gazing off into the distance.

"And what is your pow-" Vhiz would've asked if Ren didn't cut him off. "Who taught you what you know?"

Rosa smiled. "You're always good at asking the right questions."

Ren was surprised by her reaction, but she soon continued.

"I've met a handful of people who passed through the village. Some encounters were more friendly than others. But what I gathered is this. There is a Reality adjacent to ours where these individuals thrive.

Powers to turn the world upside down, for a chance at their dream becoming reality. We call ourselves overhumans." The silence of listening ears was amplified by that last word. Everyone stood in awe at her declaration.

"Overhumans?" Sun repeated the word.

"Because we are more than what we used to be. Not just humans." Rosa explained with a peculiar glint in her eyes which caught Ren's attention.

"Cool! We will have superpowers!" Screamed Marco flexing his plumpy arms.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call them superpowers, they are more like mutations. Take me for example." Ren's pupils widened.

"Rosa! Before you say it. Is it safe?" Everyone was confused by Ren's question.

"Safe? What do you mean?" Asked Sun.

"So you felt it too?" Luna who was leaning on the wall walked closer to the conversation.

"We weren't alone in the forest. There was someone watching us. I only noticed it when you got back with Rosa. But now thinking back how you looked at me when you went back for her...you felt it on the way down already." Ren explained.

Second Reality: Surge of PowerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora