Keen-eye Luna

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The next day, Niel was waiting in front of the Sciron house for his friend. The boy ran out with his left foot only halfway in his shoe.

"Hey Niel! Sorry I kept you waiting I had a long night!"

"And I thought I had an eventful afternoon! I saw a message in a bottle flowing down the river, but I couldn't catch it! It's probably at the other side of the planet now!"

"I doubt that!" Ren laughed at his friend's joke."

"What the hell happened anyway? Your mom called my parents. I wanted to go look for you but they didn't let me leave the house."
Ren told Niel what he remembered from that night. That, he ran in front of a car after the altercation with Ken. And that he woke up hours later with a cut on his hand.

"Ken! That motherfucker almost got you killed. This is it. Today he'll pay!" Niel punched a telephone pole, scaring some birds away.

"No stop! You'll just make things worse." Ren tried to quell his friend's anger.

"But this is as bad as it can get! You don't even remember what happened!"
Ren sighed and nodded in the direction of the school, telling his friend to go. "Do you remember the first time we met?"

"In kindergarten? You were being bullied. You were whining so loud I couldn't bare it any longer, so I saved you from the bully."

"Is that how you remember? You helped me because that's who you are. And regarding the bully, that was Ken." Explained Ren.

"Y-you're right! It was Ken. I completely forgot!"

"And all this time nothing changed. Ken still picks on me, I still run away, and you still save me. I am grateful but something needs to change. I cannot force that on either of you, so I need to change."

"Okay! But if you start slacking off in school and beating up kids twice your size, I'll sue you for plagiarism."
The two friends shared laughs as they continued their way to school.

In math class the room was silent like a swordfight with peacock feathers. A sport I invented on a boring afternoon. But if intense staring could make a sound, this place would be louder than an airport runway. Ken was poking a hole through Ren's skull with his eyes, sometimes looking down at his wounded hand, then back to his face. Niel was trying to take Ken's gaze off his friend with his own, like a loyal guard dog standing between his owner and imminent danger. Meanwhile the whole classroom was throwing looks at these three, trying to figure out what the source of this unusually high tension is. As for Ren he was trying his hardest to listen to the teacher.

After the class was over Ren stood up, Ken immediately jumped out of his seat and Niel quickly followed.

"The two of you with me now!" Said Ren with an embarrassed red face, as he was talking, he was taking quick steps out of the classroom.
Ken and Niel looked at each other growled then followed him.

As they walked far from the others Ken pulled on Ren's shoulder to turn him around.

"Hey Sciron! Tell me what the hell happened yesterday!" Ken demanded an answer from his classmate.

"You bullied him into almost getting hit and you have the audacity to be angry at him. The only reason I'm not gonna beat your ass right now is because Ren asked me not to." Niel got up in Ken's face.

"How lucky of me that your master told you to sit, and you obeyed!" Ken pushed Niel back.

"Watch out Ken! Luna is not here to protect you!" Niel returned the push.

"Both of you be quiet! How the hell can you be this reckless? Everyone is looking at us." Ren tried to calm the two brawlers down.

"Put a sock on it! I am reckless incarnate! If someone doesn't like it, I'll beat the piss outa' them." Ken declared looking around.

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