Deal with the Devil

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"Come on Ren are you a chicken? Said Ken, provoking his classmate to enter the ruins.

"I'm not but if that giant bear really lives in here, we have to be careful!" Explained the young boy.

"OH, just get on with it!" Ken kicked Ren in the back. The boy stumbled into the church, to see people inside. Five kids, one year older than Ren. They were trying to light a cigarette.

"Come on! Just give it to me I know how to use a lighter!"

"Fuck off! I stole it from my dad, I'm gonna smoke it!"

"Huh?" The boys turned to look at he skinny boy staring at them.

Ren embarrassed and confused took slow steps backwards. "Sorry guys I'll just leave." As he was backing out of the church entrance Ken and the others finally followed him in.

"What's up Ren? Are you dead yet? Huh?" Ken Looked around to see some familiar faces. "Oh! The mortar gang? Or was it monster gang? No give me a sec." Ken was trying his hardest to remember the name of these kids.

"It's Mountain gang!" Said one of the kids.

"Ken do you know these guys?"

"Yeah. I rolled with them for a while last year."

"Oh! Thank God! Then you can explain this whole situation to them."
But as Ren looked back at the five boys he saw fury in their eyes. He turned to Ken just to hear him laugh. "But they hate my guts."

"Leonnas you bastard! What are you doing here?" The toughest looking boy started approaching Ken with clenched fists.

"What did he do to you guys? Can't we handle this peacefully?" Ren stepped up with pacifistic intentions.

"Get out of my way you little shit! Ken almost got us arrested."

"Please! We don't have to resort to name calling." Ren pleaded with the thug.

Ken nudged Ren out of the way to get closer to the older kid. "You guys said you wanted to play on the soccer field at night. I got the pliers; you just weren't fast enough when the police showed up."

"Thomas was bitten by a guard dog. We got beaten by our parents! And after that you acted like you didn't even know us." The older kid shouted in rustration.

"Hey, don't go surfing if you can't even swim, am I right?" Ken looked at Ren with an evil smile.

The boy had had enough and clenched his fist ready to punch Ken. But Ren jumped between them. "Couldn't we talk this out? Please!"

"This annoying brat! Get out of my way!" The attacker shoved Ren out of the way so hard, he fell to the ground.

"What are you doing, idiot?" Asked Ken angrily from Ren.

"Ugh now you done it..." Said Ren concerned for what's to come.

"What? What are you gonna do?" The older kid chuckled as he asked Ren.

"I'll do nothing. But my friend is a bit overprotective of me." Ren pointed into the crowd, where an angry Niel was taking hasty steps towards the kid. He planted his foot firm in the ground and whacked the boy so hard, he flew back, hitting the ground. Niel's fist was covered in blood, as was the boys face.

"That son of a bitch!" The other kids yelled. They ran to overwhelm Niel and avenge their friend. One of them got a fist to the side of their face. "You forgot I was here? Never make that mistake again!" Shouted Ken.

The other three got to Niel who took a couple of punches before returning the favor.
One of them changed their direction towards Ren. The defenseless boy held up his hands to protect himself. But no punch has gotten to him. Taran blocked them with his body. The towering classmate of Ren, who was known for his silent brute personality was not even fazed by the punches that landed on him.

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