chapter 04; flowers

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"I hate myself..."

It is now morning, Mrs. Park gently opened the door to Sunghoon's bedroom, finding her son still nestled in bed, covered by his blanket. Concern etched her face as she approached, recognizing that something seemed off.

"Sunghoon, it's time to wake up," she said, her voice soft but firm.

From within the blanket, Sunghoon mumbled, "Can I stay home today...?"

Mrs. Park, perplexed, sat down on the edge of his bed. "Why, sweetheart? Are you feeling sick?" she inquired, worry lines furrowing her brow.

Peeking out from the covers, Sunghoon shook his head. "No, just really tired...," he admitted, exhaustion evident in his eyes.

Mrs. Park sighed. "I don't buy it, you're going to school, go get ready.

Frustration simmered in Sunghoon's expression. Mrs. Park, sensing her son's inner turmoil, offered a comforting smile before leaving the room, leaving Sunghoon to grapple with the weight of his emotions as he prepared to face another day at school.

As Sunghoon walked to school, weariness weighed heavily on his shoulders. The burden of his emotions from the previous day lingered, adding to the weight of each footfall.

In this subdued state, Sunghoon crossed paths with Sunoo. The exhaustion in Sunghoon's eyes was evident, and despite Sunoo's usual cheerful act, Sunghoon didn't muster the energy to offer a greeting. His gaze remained distant, fixed on the path ahead.

Sunoo didn't take offense. Instead, he continued to walk beside Sunghoon, a warm smile gracing his face.

"Sunoo!" a girl called, pulling Sunoo away from Sunghoon.

Sunoo smiled nervously. "Y-yes?"

"You still talk to him? After yesterday's incident? He tried to hurt you..."

Sunoo nodded. "I still talk to him, and plus, he was clueless and angry, he didn't mean to do that, he apologized, don't worry."

The girl sighed. "J-just be careful with him." The girl walked away, leaving a confused Sunoo.

In math class, the teacher hasn't arrive yet, so Jihoon and his group seized the opportunity to taunt Sunghoon and Sunoo once again. Their teasing remarks about being couples and husbands echoed in the quiet classroom.

Sunghoon, already on edge from the previous day's events, couldn't bear the insinuations. Anger boiled within him, and he couldn't suppress the rising frustration any longer. In a sudden outburst, he yelled at Jihoon to stop, his voice cutting through the teasing banter.

"You know, Jihoon, you really need to shut the fuck up."

The tension escalated as Sunghoon's confrontation with Jihoon quickly turned physical. The scuffle between them drew the attention of other students, forming a curious and concerned crowd around the unfolding commotion.

Sunoo looked at Sunghoon and Jihoon fighting with no expressions at all, it was like he was uninterested.

"I told you to stay away from Sunghoon, his temper is worse than bad," a girl whispered to Sunoo.

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