Eclipse Kidnaps Ruin

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CW: Suggestive?!

Special Guest: Ruin 

Where the actual f- are they? 

This place looks fun but is it still the U-3 bunker?

January 12 2024

Eclipse leans over Ruins passed out form; and whispers angrilly but oddly still gently. 

(Its things like this that make me ship the- )

''Wake up.''

Ruin wakes up; and groans in pain. ''Do you have to be so rough?''

Eclipse just stares into his soul; and says nothing. He was most likely processing his decision about taking Ruin when he wasnt the one he was after; then why? Why take Ruin? Eclipse was glad he couldnt blush due to being an animatronic. Did he like Ruin or did he want to torture him or was it both? Eclipse hated feeling emotions; but his third ressurection was starting to make him feel emotionless despite these thoughts. How was he back? Was it Ruins doing or someone elses...he needed answers. Did someone bring him back for their own gain or did someone actually like him? Eclipse continued to stare at Ruin as Ruin looked at him with concern regarding his silence.


Eclipse then snapped out of his thoughts; and his white eyes look at Ruin. ''Why did I take you?'' He questions Ruin as if he had the answer.

Ruin looked confused; and asked. ''Why on earth would the capture ask that?

Eclipse had to agree with Ruin on that one; but he had to be sure on something.

''WHO ARE YOU?'' Eclipse asked; but it sounded like an order more than a question.

''I-I beg your pardon?'' Ruin questioned; and stuttered.

''Did you bring me back? Did you make me? Did he make me? Bring the other one out.'' Eclipse demanded.

Eclipse wanted to know if Ruin had made him; and if he was still in there. 

''I can assure you! If I made you; I wouldnt of allowed you to take me, and bring me to this-....this-!'' Ruin said; sounding offended. 

Things went silent again.

Eclipse then spoke up.

''Youre right...I believe you.'' Eclipse nodded.

Ruin couldnt believe his ears. Did Eclipse trust him?

Eclipse stared at the outside of the cell; and then back at Ruin. Ruin also would blush if he could. He wouldnt admit it; but he found Eclipse attractive especially this close up. Ruin was just nervous because he wasnt sure if he was going to die or not; but no....there was no ill intent like that in the air. Eclipse was oddly calm; but sounded concerned, and emotionless; yet he still looked at Ruin intensely with his white eyes. Did Eclipse like him too? 

Eclipse then got really close to his face; and tilt his faceplate.

(Awws; that happened a lot in this episode I notice.)

Ruin then spoke up again.

''I like how you are rubbing my ego; but I cant even fix an arcade machine properly.'' Ruin said; embaressed.

Ruin was so embaressed that he looked away.

Eclipse was having an internal crisis while he did that. 

Immortal Eclipse (Sequel to ''My Mind Is Unstable'')Where stories live. Discover now