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This chapter contains narcissistic Moon; and stupid Solar.

Again; just why.

Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex

Fazcade's Backroom; and Camera Room

February 8 2024

Eclipse didnt get any damn sleep. He hated how Moon had mocked him a few days ago. He looked at the date in his built-in clock. February 8th....February damn 8th! Eclipse really hoped he would find his maker soon. If he didnt figure out who made him by March; he would start to give up hope, and just assume his maker doesnt want to talk to him. Why did he even think it would happen? Eclipse supposed he thought this way because his maker could be anyone. A maker usually reveals themselves right away or after a while. 

Eclipse heard footsteps. He sighed in relief.

''Finally!'' Eclipse muttered to himself.

Eclipse frowned when he saw who those footsteps belonged to.

''Wait...ARE YOU DAMN SERIOUS?! WHY IS SOLAR WITH HIM?! IDIOTIC INFERIOR!'' Eclipse shouted angrilly in his head.

Moon and Solar approach Eclipse. Moon mockingly tells him to wake up.

''Havent slept.'' Eclipse grumbled; and glared.

Eclipse looks at Solar; and tsks.

''OH AND YOU BROUGHT THE INFERIOR ONE. Well; isnt that nice!'' Eclipse said sarcastically.

The three then argue amongst each other. Moon kept telling Eclipse to kill himself. Eclipse and Solar insulted each other; but Moon insulted Eclipse the most, and also brought up that they can work together. 

(Its about time you help Eclipse; Moon. Idiot. Moon really needs to stop with this high and mighty ego. I cant believe im about to say this to you all. Old Moon is starting to look better. I know; I question why I think this but a friend of mine made a valid point. You know who you are. Thank you bestie.)

Moon kept insulting Eclipse. Eclipse didnt let it slide; and insulted him back, however; the plan seemed to still be in effect despite the dispute.

''Ugh! Moon stop this! Im glad we made a deal; but stop! I hate the inferior; but at least hes being quiet, and isnt pestering me.'' Eclipse thought angrily to himself.

Moon told Eclipse that he would keep him alive if this plan to find Eclipse's maker works; but suggested putting Eclipse back in a computer, and when Eclipse told him no; Moon brought up when Eclipse was in a computer in the past. Eclipse growled. Moon just kept complaining about Eclipse. Moon then mentions a chip. Eclipse frowned. Moon tells Eclipse that he will install a chip. Eclipse tsked.

Moon explained to Eclipse that he can kill his maker as long as he can shoot them in the leg. Eclipse laughed at this. If it was Ruin; he wouldnt. 

''You better not hurt my love; Ruin! Dont you dare; Moon!'' Eclipse shouted angrily in his head.

Eclipse tsked.

''Fine.'' Eclipse said.

Moon told Eclipse to turn around.

Solar had gone to remove the magic barrier that Ruin placed after Moon told him to.

Eclipse decided that it was the perfect time to mock Moon about the chip.

''Do you mean to get on my hands; and knees back there, sweetie?'' Eclipse asked sassily.

Immortal Eclipse (Sequel to ''My Mind Is Unstable'')Where stories live. Discover now