Moon Is A-

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This chapter hurt to write.

We have no idea if Eclipse was near the house; but he could of been around or wasnt near it at all, and just called from a remote place.

This chapter isnt meant to be canon 100 percent since we dont know where Eclipse was when he called Moon.

Sun and Moon's House



January 30 2024

Eclipse growled in fustration; and sighed tiredly as he tapped his built-in phone. He hated Sun and Moon's creator; and was thankful he wasnt his maker but Eclipse was still furious about all this. Why bring him back; and stay in the shadows? What is his makers motives? Did they not want Eclipse to know who they are or did they simply want him to figure it out. Why would his maker waste time like this? Eclipse just wanted to know who they were. He didnt understand how his maker would benefit from keeping it a secret this long.

February was two days away. Eclipse saw the date. 2 MONTHS. 2 DAMN MONTHS. WHERE ARE THEY?! Eclipse hoped that it was Ruin; and still had a hunch. He tsked; and sat down, still tapping his phone. Eclipse silently sobbed; and hugged himself.

''Will someone just help me? Im asking NOT demanding; however, I have EVERY right to demand in this situation...still this is my last chance to ask...this is your last chance to be kind to me Moon...'' Eclipse thought to himself.

Eclipse wiped his tears; and sniffled. He whimpered. Eclipse pet his own rays for comfort. He shook a little; and his nerves acted up. Eclipse was so nervous to call the man that didnt care about anyone but himself. Moon was a bad narcissist; that was for sure. He acted all high; and mighty but wasnt. Moon was stupid. He was stupid for not just giving Eclipse a chance to be neutral with him. Moon really did like to discard what he didnt like. He was a jerk; but Eclipse was going to give him one more chance to change. Eclipse didnt want to attempt this; but Moon left him no choice....his father KC was gone...his maker stayed hidden...he was alone. He could only forgive Ruin in this situation; but if his creator was someone else...he wouldnt forgive them.

Eclipse then frowned; and couldnt believe THAT idiot was now in question in his mind. Solar....that ''nice'' Eclipse; thats what everyone called him. Solar wasnt an Eclipse; and there was a reason he is the ONLY Solar. However; they shared the same Solar actually faking? Eclipse would still hate him if he was his creator because he helped Sun and Moon kill him the second time. He would both still hate Solar; and be relived to finally know who made him. Solar wasnt his first guess; but he would ask Moon about this, and expect denial since he had a feeling Moon wasnt going to help him. He cared about Solar too much. Why care about Solar more than him?! Moon gave Solar a chance so why cant he give Eclipse a chance. Eclipse understood that he; and Solar were different personality-wise but Moon wasnt exactly thrilled to befriend Solar at first.

Eclipse was tired of everyone thinking Solar; Moon, and Lunar were good people. In Eclipse's mind; he was the only good person, except Ruin; Ruin showed him kindness. Eclipse tapped his phone nervously; but then built up the courage to call Moon. He wasnt excepting a yes or kindness; but he was trying. This was Moon's last chance to be a better person. Eclipse called Moon.

The phone rang; and then Moon picked up after 30 seconds.

''Ugh why do I even bother with h-'' Eclipse thinks to himself until he hears Moon pick up.

Eclipse was nervous; but he waited for Moon to say something. Moon then said hello since he had no idea who was calling him. He sounded arrogant as always. Eclipse then spoke in his taunting voice to hide his nerves.

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