Chapter 2

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The ten friends did end up sleeping outside that night, that wasn't the intention, but intentions don't exist when it's summer time. Pope was laying half way out of one hammock, JJ hanging out of the other one. Lynn was somewhat under the hammock her hand up in the air, her fingertips barely hanging onto JJ's. Lindey was face down on the bench, straddling it like a bear in a tree, while Kiara, laying on a bench, was on her back her arms hanging off the sides. Rafe was laying on the tarp next to the firewood, while Sarah and John B were laying in each other's arms on a blanket in the grass. Lindey slowly woke up because she heard a crash coming from near Rafe's truck, realizing it was Topper falling out of the back.

"Jesus, are you okay?" She rubbed her eyes, blankly staring at him.

"Yup, yea, just- rolled out the back of the truck," He rubbed his head and Lindey just shook hers, getting up to go to the bathroom. She stepped over John B and Sarah accidentally touching his arm, causing him to stir.

"Fucking clutz," He mumbled and she wanted to kick him again but didn't.

She looked around realizing Kelce was missing but then saw him asleep on the couch that was on the porch. He took the most reasonable sleeping spot other than the hammocks, which she had to applaud him for since they all fell asleep at different times.

"Morning Kelce," She murmured, half asleep still herself.

"No, sleep," He mumbled, putting his face in a shockingly non-moldy pillow.

She laughed to herself, walking into the bathroom, quickly using it, then leaving. She flopped down on John B's couch that was covered in blankets, and pulled out her phone. Texts on texts from every person there of photos from the night before. The group loved to document any time they were at a party or hung out somewhere, just to have the memories, just to rub it into everyone's faces that they wouldn't ever be as cool as them, as JJ would say. Lynn woke up shortly after, doing the same walk Lindey did, but getting scared by Lindey on her way back out.

"Did you sleep in here?" She yawned and Lindey shook her head no.

"I was face down on a bench all night," Lindey laughed, and so did Lynn.

"My fucking arm is killing me," Lynn laughed, massaging her shoulder.

"Probably because you touched tips with JJ all night," Lindey teased.

"I'm sorry?" Lynn's eyes widened a little bit, letting out a laugh.

"When I woke up, your arm was straight up in the air, your poor fingers barely hanging on to JJ's," Lindey laughed, looking back down on her phone.

"Well that would explain why my arm hurts," She laughed, and sat next to her sister.

"Topper woke me up falling out of the back of Rafe's truck," Lindey let out a laugh, and Lynn's jaw dropped, laughing.

"How the hell?" She laughed, and Lindey shrugged.

"I guess he rolled out of the back."

"What?" Pope came in through the door, followed by Topper, who was stilling rubbing his head.

"This fucking genius rolled out the back of Rafe's truck this morning," She pointed her thumb at topper, letting out a laugh.

"How the hell-" Pope laughed, causing Lynn to laugh again too.

"That's EXACTLY what I said," Lynn repositioned on the couch so she was more comfortable, as JJ came into the house.

"My back hurts, I need to stop sleeping in that fucking hammock," JJ flopped on the couch between the two sisters.

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