Chapter 7

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When Lindey said she was going to buy a hot tub and the stuff to acquire a hot tub in the morning, she wasn't kidding. She changed into clothes that she kept in her duffle bag, and then walked to the country club to get her car, then drove to the ferry to get on the mainland. The entire way to the port she sang to her music loudly, getting dirty looks from the old people on their morning walks. She pulled into a parking spot and got out to go buy a ticket.

"One ticket to Charleston please," She smiled at the ticket person.

"Drive on ferry or just a passenger?" He asked, clearly not wanting to be there.

"Drive on if that's available," She game him a sweet smile.

"Sure is, here you go, just take your car, pull  onto the boat, and you can just get out and roam until you get to the mainland," He nodded.

"Thank you so much, have an amazing day," She smiled and he gave her a small smile in return.

She pulled her car onto the boat and parked, getting out to go to the high deck. Lynn woke up, her head still resting in JJ's lap, noticing she slept very uncomfortably on the bench, resulting in horrible back pain. She looked around and noticed Lindey wasn't there, then she saw a small white paper under her coke bottle.

went to go buy a hot tub losers, I'll be back hopefully with a hot tub delivery driver


Lynn laughed to herself and shook JJ aware, him taking a deep inhale like he rose from the dead.

"WHAT?" He accidentally yelled, causing her to laugh.

"Look," She handed him the note and he stared at it not being able to comprehend at that very second.

"Went to go buy a hot t- Holy shit we're going to have a hot tub by the end of the day," JJ laughed, shaking Lynn's shoulder.

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep," Pope groaned, throwing up his middle finger.

"Lindey's on the main land right now, getting a hot tub," JJ laughed, Pope and Kiara both waking up fully.

"Bullshit," Kiara laughed, taking the piece of paper from JJ, "She never backs down on her word, I'll give her that."

"How much trouble is she gonna get in for that?" Pope asked Lynn and she nervously laughed.

"Oh, an ass load, but honestly, I don't think she cares," She laughed.

"Something I always liked about her, she just dont give a fuck," John B, taking a picture of the note.

"Where'd Lindey go?" Rafe rose up in the hammock, causing three of the friends to smirk.

"Mainland, went to buy a hot tub," Lynn laughed, and his eyes widened.

"Well fuck-" He laughed, getting out of the hammock.

"HEY GUYS I'M HOME!" Sarah came running up the driveway, into John B's arms, kissing him.

"Lindey's on the mainland right now buying a hot tub," Pope shrugged, "That's about it."

"Uhm, excuse me?" Sarah laughed.

"Yeah, she decided last night she's gonna buy a hot tub for The Chateau, and she is doing that right now," JJ laughed, cleaning up all of the empty bottles outside.

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