Chapter 15

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Lindey and Sarah dancing around the boat with each other, Kiara joining in not even seconds after Chocolate by The 1975 started playing. The girls danced around with each other joking and having a good time. The stars started forming in the sky, the purple and pink turning into a dark blue.

"Hey! Come out here! It's cooler now," Lindey stuck her head into the doorway where JJ and Lynn were sitting.

"Alright I'm coming!" Lynn grinned and ran out with her sister.

The two sisters danced together to the music, until Rafe picked up Lindey pulling her away from everyone. Her laugh filled the air, causing him to smile. He turned her towards him and she grinned at him.

"You have no care in the world right now," He smiled.

"I'm slightly intoxicated," She laughed, "Not enough to be drunk though."

"You're perfect, you know that right?" He smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Compliments to a minimum thank you," She grinned and kissed him, her arms wrapping around her neck.

"How many?" He put his forehead on hers.

"Four a week," She replied, and he sighed.

"Seven a week, one a day," He compromised.

"That's pushing it, but alright," She nodded.

"Glad we got that settled," He laughed and kissed him.

"You can do this whenever you want though," She smiled.

"Oh yeah?" He smirked.

"Yeah," She grinned.

"Great," He kissed her again and Kelce appeared around the corner.

"Y'all done?" He asked, laughing.

"Go away," Lindey laughed and he nodded, "Come on."

She took her shirt off that she stole from Rafe and her sweats off and he watched her closely. She dove into the water and he took his sweats off following her. He dove into the water and lifted her up, when coming up for air.

"Put me down," She laughed, looking into his eyes.

"What are you two fools doing in the water?" John B laughed and Lindey grinned at him.

"Swimming, what does it look like loser," She rolled her eyes and pushed Rafe under the water.

"I'm coming!" Lynn took her clothes off revealing a bathing suit and jumped in, JJ right behind her. 

The four treaded water looking up at the others, and Kiara jumped in, Topper following. Lindey wrapped her legs around Rafe to keep herself stable and he kissed her deeply, causing her to giggle. She ran a hand through his hair and he held her close to him as they kissed.

"Can you guys like, not make out in the water please?" Topper rolled his eyes and without breaking the kiss both Rafe and Lindey flipped him off. 

"Got it," Topper nodded, with a laugh, and then went under water. 

"At least she's emotionally available for once," Lynn laughed and Lindey nodded.

"I agree," Lindey laughed and went under the water to get her hair wet again.

"Wanna race?" Pope looked at Lindey and her eyes lit up.

"You're gonna fucking lose Heyward," She moved to a starting point and John B counted down.

"two... one... GO." 

Lindey and Pope both swam under water, Lindey picking up more speed than Pope and lapping around him before he even reached the end. She came back up from under water and Rafe stared at her with a smirk on his face.

"Holy shit you smoked him-" Kelce laughed, giving her a high five. 

"That's my girl," Rae scooped her up causing her to grin, and Lynn stared at them.

"She's so happy," She whispered to JJ, "I'm so happy."

"Good," JJ kissed her cheek and she wrapped her arms around him.

"So when did you guys fuck in the bathroom?" Lindey smirked at her sister and her face turned red.


"Was it when I saw you guys on the couch?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Actually, yes, it was, what're you gonna do about it?" Lynn crossed her arms, and Lindey had a sly grin come on her face.

"Congratulate you because you're turning into me," She laughed and swam over to her sister, then hugged her, pushing JJ under water with her foot. 

"Excuse YOU," JJ tackled Lindey and she went under water smacking him off of her.

"DICK!" She laughed, and pushed him under again. 

The group messed around in the water for another hour then all got back onto the boat. Lindey got in the shower in the lower level quickly to rinse off than changed back into her sweats and bralette. 

"You down here?" Rafe asked, right as she opened the door from the bathroom.

"Yea, hi," She grinned at him and he smiled.

"Hi," He leaned down and kissed him, walking her backwards, pressing her against the wall. 

He laced a hand through his damp hair and rested the other on his face, as one of his hands rested on her hip and the other cupped her face. He slowly kissed down her jaw and to her neck. 

"You know, I could probably beat you in a race in the water," She spoke and he laughed, still kissing her neck, "I could probably beat Michael Phelps."

"Whatever you say," He said against her skin, still working at her neck.

"I'm hungry, did you bring food on the boat?" She asked, and he pulled away.

"Really?" He chuckled.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself Cameron, I'd wait to come up too," She smiled at him, "You have a boner," She whispered in his ear then walked upstairs as he watched her. 

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, trying to think of things to make it go down instead of jerking off.

"I'm HUNGRY," Lindey laughed, looking through the snacks.

"Yeah, looks like Rafe was too," Sarah laughed, and Lindey raised an eyebrow.

"Holy shit-" Lynn looked at her neck and let out a small laugh, taking a photo for Lindey to see, "Look."

A big hickey was extremely visible on Lindey's neck and she smirked, "Hot."

Rafe came up the stairs from the lower deck and she grinned at him, causing him to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"You fucking leech," She smirked, kissing him, and he laughed.

"I'd prefer an artist, but leech works to," He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him, kissing him. 

"You guys are actually so gross," Pope rolled his eyes and Kiara smacked him.

"I think it's cute," Kiara smiled, smacking Pope.

"Wait what the fuck is that?" Lindey points to a bright light on the water, slowly coming towards them.


HELLO EVERYONE!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter <333 I love writing scenes where the group are just all hanging out together, having fun because it gives them some normalcy and they deserve it <333

I love you all so much <333

1082 Words!

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