Blowing off steam!

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Jinx's POV

I was so mad at Kid Flash! I wanted to blow off some steam. Perhaps rob a bank. 

"Hive Five, meet me at Jump City bank. We're going to rob it," I said into my communicator. 

"All right! Things have been getting boring around here," Gizmo said. We met at Jump City bank. The sun had just set and we had the cover of darkness on our side. Gizmo placed a gadget on the door that unlocked it without setting off any alarms. Then, we started getting the money. I was loading money into my bag, when a disc narrowly slid past my head. I jumped out of the way, just as it exploded. 

"Teen Titans!" I spat. The others noticed it too. There, Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg stood in classic superhero pose. 

"Aren't there five of you?" I asked. 

"Friend Beastboy and friend Raven are having what is called the date," Starfire said, clasping her hands together, her eyes turning into hearts. 

"Okay then..." I said. 

"Teen Titans go!" Robin yelled. I grinned, this time there were more of us then of them. Mammoth and I attacked Starfire, Kid Wykkd and Seymore attacked Robin, and Gizmo and Billy Numerous attacked Cyborg. Billy multiplied and Cyborg started to shoot all of them, while Gizmo snuck up on him and threw an electric net on him. He yelled out in pain, and then fell to the floor, the net holding him down. 

"There you go, Snottlicker," Gizmo said, high fiving Billy. Meanwhile, Starfire threw starbolts at us which we dodged. Then Mammoth threw a truck at her which she threw a starbolt at. It exploded. I jumped through the smoke and threw a hex wave at her. It hit her and she fell to the ground. 

"Starfire!" Robin cried, getting distracted. Seemore saw his chance and shot his eye laser at him, knocking him to the floor. 

"We did it!" I cried gleefully. We tied the Teen Titans up and went back to looting the bank. Then, there was a whoosh. I blink and saw that the Teen Titans had been untied and I was holding a rose in my hand. 

"KID FLASH!" I screamed in anger, the rose turning to dust in my hand. 

"Split up again!" I commanded. This time though, when Billy split into many clones, Cyborg sent out a canon wave, wiping out all of the Billy's. Fortunately, Gizmo threw another net over him, causing him to collapse again. 

"Not again!" he complained. 

Meanwhile, Seymore was shooting at Robin. He jumped through his attacks, each time getting closer until he smashed his eye. Seymore yelled out in pain and fell to the ground. Then, Kid Wykkd appeared behind him. Robin just managed to hear his breath and swung his staff around, knocking out Kid Wykkd. Meanwhile, Starfire was dodging my attacks and shooting Mammoth's attacks. Finally, one of Mammoth's attacks hit her and she fell to the ground. She stood up, and was about to shoot an eye blast at us when Gizmo threw a net over her, too. We cheered. 

"You still have me to deal with," Robin said, glaring at us. 

"It's three against one, this will be an easy win," I said, grinning. 

"You mean three against three," Raven said, she and Beast Boy flying through the window. (It had gotten smashed by one of my hex waves).

"Attack!" I yelled. I attacked Raven, Gizmo attacked Robin, and Mammoth attacked Beast Boy. Beast Boy turned into an elephant, but Mammoth picked him up and threw him out the other window, causing that window to break too. Good, we didn't need them destroying the bank, I thought. Gizmo fought Robin. He shot at him with his new ray gun while Robin dodged it. Then, he jumped at Gizmo with his staff and attacked his jet pack, causing him to come crashing to the ground. Robin jumped off right before, making a smooth landing. Meanwhile, I fought Raven. She threw things at me with her telekinesis and I threw hexes at her. Then, Raven picked up a vault and threw it at me, slamming me into a wall. I saw Beast Boy turn into an animal that was too big for Mammoth to lift, right before I slammed into the wall and passed out. I would get my revenge on Kid Flash, no matter what.

This was my first action scene. Please tell me what you think. Thanks.

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