Girls/Boys Night Out!

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Authors Note
I'm sure you can guess what this one is about from the title. I really liked that idea so I wanted to try it. I own nothing

Jinx's POV

"Wait!" I called after him. Great, now I'm all alone again. I wasn't really that mad at him. I had been captured before. I sat on the ground. Then, the door opened again. I turned to see Starfire and Raven coming in. 

"What do you want?" I snapped. 

"Umm, we were hoping if you would partake in the night of the girls with us?" Starfire asked. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"I do not understand such Earth rituals and Raven has never had the girls night out," Starfire said. 

"Fine, it's not like I have anything else to do," I said. I've never had any girl friends or friends for that matter. 

"So what's the plan?" I asked. 

"We are going to let you out, but if you try to escape I will shoot you," Starfire said. 

"Okay," I said, starting to rethink going out with them. It was to late. 

"You're free," Raven said, as the bars on my cage turned off. 

"So, where are we going?" I asked. 

"First, we are going to the steakhouse to try the 20 pound challenge. Next, we are going to the Karaoke House. Last, we are going to the amusement park. All of these are Starfires ideas," Raven said, concluding the plans. 

"Let's have the night of the girls!" Starfire said, blasting a hole through the wall.

Kid Flash's POV

I lay on my bed, thinking about what Jinx had said. What type of hero would I be if I let someone die. Would it be even worse if I would kill the soon to be murderer? All these complex situations were making my head hurt. Then, my communicator buzzed. I looked to see it was Robin. 

"What?" I grumped. 

"Whoa. Someone's cranky. Anyways, we were having a guy's night out and we were wondering if you'd like to come," Robin said. 

"Sure, be over in a second," I said and hung up. Then, I raced to the Teen Titan tower. 

"Hey, Kid Flash. Haven't seen you in a while," Beastboy said, fist bumping me. 

"Ya, and thanks for that total save back there," Cyborg said. I nodded and we fist bumped too. 

"Hey KF. So, what's the deal with you and Jinx?" Speedy asked. He had been invited for boys night also. 

What? Nothing," I said. 

"That's not what I heard," he said. 

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, changing the subject. 

"You'll see," Robin said. First, Cyborg drove us to the arcade. We got all access passes. Then, we played video games. It was like I'd gone to video game heaven. Although, I'm pretty sure I short circuited at least half of the games from playing too fast. Oops. Then, we went into the other part and played paintball. Obviously I won, but it was still fun. Speedy had to leave after that, but he was being kind of a downer anyway. Then, we went to see a wrestling match. It was Bone Cruncher vs Hell on Feet. I was rooting for Bone Cruncher but Hell on Feet won by using his special Hades Fire Swing move. That sucked.

Jinx's POV

The waiter slapped the steak down and set the timer for an hour. My eyes grew as huge as saucers. 

"We're supposed to eat that!" I exclaimed. 

"Oh joy! I'm hungry!" Starfire said, licking her lips. She pulled out her knife and fork and started to dig in. 

I shrugged and joined her. Then, even Raven started to eat to. The steak was delicious. It's flavor exploded in my mouth. I love steak. Then, it started to get messy. As the timer chimed 15 minutes left, we were only halfway done with the steak. We started to get frantic. We discarded our utensils and started ripping at it like starved animals. Meat flying everywhere. Uh oh, only five minutes left. Then, we started to shove parts of the steak into other people's jacket hoods or purses. We laughed when one woman discovered the meat and started hugging her Michael Kors purse, whispering, it will be alright. Finally, we "finished" just before time ran out. 

"Yes," we yelled. Then, we went to Karaoke House. Starfire sang most of the time in loud bellows. It was awful, I wanted to kill myself or rather kill Starfire. Finally, we arrived at the Amusement Park. We got in line to enter, when I spotted up ahead in the line, more Titans. And, oh no, Kid Flash was with them. Please don't see us, please don't see us, I repeated in my head. Only, it wasn't them who saw us, but us who saw them. 

"Friends!" Starfire yelled, waving at them. I tried to hide behind an especially fat person, but Starfire yanked me out. 

"Look! We brought friend Jinx!" she said. 

"Starfire. Jinx is the enemy. How do you know she won't try to escape," Robin said, glaring at me. I glared back. 

"Where would I go, without the others I would be pretty alone," I said, his untrusting glare unsettling me. 

"Don't worry. If she even tried to escape, we would not hesitate to attack her," Raven said. 

"Good," Robin said. When we got inside, we rode all of the roller coasters first. I avoided Kid Flash the best that I could.

Kid Flash's POV

Jinx seemed to be avoiding me. Whenever I tried to make eye contact with her, she would look away. We rode all of the roller coasters first. Then, played some hoops. 

"Here, shoot like this," Robin told Starfire, guiding her arms with the ball to make the shot. How sweet, I thought sarcastically. It seemed a little stupid. 

"Do you need help shooting," Beast Boy asked Raven, his eyes looking hopeful. 

"Nope," Raven said, using her telekinesis to move the ball into the hoop. Poor Beast Boy, Raven seemed about as emotional as a rock. 

"Hey, we should do the Tunnel of Love," Robin suggested. Jinx snorted. 

"I think taking the tunnel of the love sounds like a grand idea," Starfire said, pulling Raven's hand. 

"Oh, joy," Raven said, sarcastically. First, Raven went with Beast boy. Then, Robin and Starfire. 

"Hey, may I go with you?" Cyborg asked. 

"What, no!" Robin protested. 

"Oh joy! More companions for the tunnel of the love," Starfire said, grabbing their hands and pulling them both onto the boat. 

"Well, I guess it's just you and me," I said to Jinx. 

"Ya," she said, quietly. We got onto the boat. A fake Cupid came down. The tunnel was decorated with hearts and other lovey dovey crap. 

"Look, Kid Flash. I'm sorry about what I asked you earlier today," Jinx said.

"No, it's something I as a hero have to think about. If I was ever in a situation like that, I would have to know what to do," I said. 

"I know, it's just that yesterday you looked so sick I thought you were going to throw up," she said. 

"I didn't know you cared," I said. 

"I don't," she said, rolling her eyes. Then, I did something that surprised both of us. I took her hand in mine and looked her in the eyes. 

"If anyone was ever holding a gun to your head, I wouldn't hesitate to kill them," I said.

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