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Warning: This epilogue won't have a happy ending. It will have a more realistic ending (in my opinion). If you want to stay with the happy ending, don't read this.

Jinx's POV

I walked down the hall and turned into the room. 

"Hey, snot faced backstabber!" Gizmo yelled. He tried to spit at me, but it just hit the bars. 

"Yeah! You betrayed us!" Billy Numerous said. His eyes shine with even more hatred for me than thy usually do. 

"How could you do that to is Jinx?" Seemore said, he had more of a sad puppy dog look in his eye. 

"I-I'm sorry. I've turned to the law now. I have to do what's right. You have to understand," I said. 

"No we don't! You stink Jinx! I thought me and Mammoth were like family to you! I guess we were wrong," Gizmo said. 

"I'm sorry. I really am," I said and walked out of the room. They just didn't understand. I walked out into the sun, only to see Wally flirting with literally all the girls. 

"Hey, ladies. Are you parking tickets because you have fine written all over you," he said. Starfire laughed. 

"We are not the parking of the tickets," she said. 

"Great pick up line. Where did you hear it? Overrated R S?" Bumblebee asked. 

"Hey, aren't you with Jinx?" Raven asked. I marched over to them. 

"Yes, yes he is," I said and dragged him away by his ear. 

"What was that?" I asked him. 

"What was what?" he asked. 

"Don't play dumb with me. You were flirting with them!" I snapped. 

"Jeez, I'm sorry. I just have a very flirtatious nature," he said. 

"Well, could you try to tone it down. I gave up my life of crime for you, can't you just stop flirting," I said. Wally sighed. 

"Okay, but only for you," he said and kissed me on the cheek. Then, he raced off. I hoped he'd at least remember my birthday tomorrow. I went to sleep. I dreamed about the old days. We used to have so much fun. Whatever happened to that. When I woke up, I had the immense need to go and steal something, but I couldn't. Then, I contemplated breaking out the Hive. It would have been easier to break them out here, but the juvenile detention center wouldn't be too hard either. The guards and everybody had started to trust me. I walked into juvi. How strange to not be escorted in or be looking through everything not in a cage. I went to a room called Hive and opened the door.  My old teammates looked at me. 

"Hi, guys. I've come to break you out," I  said. I busted open their cages and we all escaped. 

"So, are you reforming the Hive?" I asked. 

"Yeah, but your not in it," Billy said. 

"Oh, well is there any way I can join?" I asked, hopefully. 

"Well I guess so. If you cut off all ties the heroes," Gizmo said. 

"All of them..." 

"That includes Kid Flash," Gizmo said. 

"Yes. I suppose it's for the best," I said. I went home and started to pack up my things. Wally showed up on my doorstep with flowers and chocolate. 

"Hey, Jinx. Happy Birthday..." he said as he saw what I was doing. 

"Why are packing Jinx?" he asked me, softly, sadly. 

"I'm sorry Wally. We've been growing apart. Besides, I always knew it wouldn't work out. Your not the type of guy who can be tied down by one girl. It's not fair to me or to you," I said. 

"Wait, Jinx! I'll change. I'm sorry I've been pushing you away. Give me another chance!" Wally begged. I grabbed my suitcase and opened the door. 

"Goodbye, Wally. It seems as if I was just one of your passing fancies," I said. I shut the door and walked away. I didn't cry, not even a single drop.

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