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Third Person POV (HIVE Tower)

Jinx looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a black strapless dress that went above her knees, with a purple belt and purple heeled boots. Her hair was pulled into a high pony tail, tied with a purple bow. Jinx peeked into the living room. Everybody was caught up in watching tv. She snuck off to the back door. She opened it and it creaked a little. 

"Hey, Jinx. Where are you going?" a voice asked. Jinx stopped and turned around. It was Gizmo. 

"Hey, Gizmo. I was just going,...out," Jinx said. Gizmo raised an eyebrow. 

"Out where? And why are you dressed so fancy" he asked. 

"Somewhere. Its a girl thing. It's none of your business. Leave me alone," Jinx said. In truth, she was sneaking out to go to a fancy restaurant with Kid Flash. It was their six month anniversary. She left and slammed the door behind her. Gizmo watched out of the window as she disappeared around the corner. He took out his communicator with a sly grin and looked turned it on. It had a pink dot on it, moving away from HIVE tower and into downtown Jump City. 

"HIVE Five, meet me in the kitchen," Gizmo said through his communicator. 

"You know, we're technically HIVE Four since you called the four of us here," Billy said when he came with the others. 

"Shut up," Gizmo said. Sometimes Billy was so stupid. 

"So, what do you call us here for?" Seemore asked. 

"Jinx is hiding something from us. We need to find out what," Gizmo said. 

"Maybe we should let her keep her secret. Everybody has secrets," Seemore said. 

"This is different. Jinx has super hero family members. For all we know, she is working with them against us," Gizmo said. 

"She wouldn't do that," Seemore said. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But, she's definitely hiding something. Whatever it is, it's a big secret. We're like a family, she shouldn't be keeping secrets from us," Gizmo said.

"You're right. Let's go set her straight," Billy said. He split into ten clones and punched his fist into his palm. The others stared at him in horror. His clones disappeared. 

"Or, not..." he said, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Good. So we're all in agreement?" the others nodded and Gizmo continued, "Okay, then follow me". Gizmo turned on his rocket pack and flew out he door, following the pink dot. The others followed him.

Third Person POV (KF's Home)

Kid Flash messed with his hair a little bit more. He didn't think it looked quite right. He messed with it a little more and frowned. It looked like a bird had made his home in his hair. He messed with it more, making it perfect, when the door bell rang. He wiped the hair gel off his hands and raced to the door in a matter of milliseconds. He peeked through the door window. It was the teen titans. He opened the door. 

"Hey, guys. What are you doing here?" he asked, a little mad. It was his six month anniversary and he was already late to the dinner he promised Jinx. 

"Somebody cough Cyborg cough uploaded an evil virus into our tower mainframe and we needed a place to stay," Robin said. 

"Sorry, can't stay here. I got things to do. Stay with Titans East," KF said. He pushed them out the door.

"Please, friend Kid Flash. We already asked Titans East. They got the flooded," Starfire said. 

"Really. Again," I muttered to myself. 

"Fine, you can stay here. Make your selves at home," KF said. But first, he thought to himself, I have some cleaning up to do. He raced throughout the house collecting all the evidence of his and Jinx's relationship and put it into a box which he then shoved under his bed. 

"Come in. I have to go, but there are blankets and stuff in that closet," KF said, pointing to a closet. He straightened his tie, and grabbed a bouquet of roses. 

"Where are you going?" Starfire asked. 

"Umm, out," KF said. Starfire seemed satisfied with that answer, but Robin was suspicious. 

"Out where? And why are you dressed so fancily?" Robin asked. 

"Umm, wow look at the time. I have to go. See you later," KF said and raced out the door. 

"We have to follow him. He's hiding something," Robin said. 

"Dude, chill. Everybody has a secret. Cyborg gets a manicure every Sunday," Beast Boy said. The others looked at Cyborg.

"What? It keeps my robot fingers nice," Cyborg shrugged. 

"You don't understand. KF is like an open book. Besides, he and I have been friends for many years. He would have told me unless it was something really bad. I'm following him. Come if you want," Robin said. The others exchanged glances. 

"Fine, we'll come," they said. Then, they followed KF based on the tracking chip Robin had placed on KF.

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