The Talk!?

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Third Person POV

Jinx snuck out of the HIVE tower and headed to the bakery downtown. She walked in and saw the familiar black hoodie of Kid Flash. He had ordered a cream puff and a chocolate shake. His usual order. She tapped him on the shoulder. 

"Hey," she said. He turned and when he saw her, smiled. 

"Hey, Jinx. Have any trouble with sneaking out?" he asked. She kissed him and sat down across from him.

"Nope. They don't suspect a thing," she said. They had been dating for a month or so now. They kept their relationship a secret, though. If anybody ever found out, it would the end. A villain and a hero? Never. A waiter came by.

"May I take your order?" he asked, looking up from his pad of paper. He balked. 

"Wait your Kid Flash. But, you're with... Jinx, a villain," he said. 

"It's not what you think. We're here on very important business. Superhero business," Kid Flash said. 

"But, I saw you kiss!" the waiter said. 

"What are yo-" Jinx started, starting to create a hex ball. Kid Flash quickly interrupted her. 

"Look, if you don't say anything I'll autograph a picture or something for you," Kid Flash said. 

"Really? That would be great. I don't have anything for you to sign though," he said. 

"That's okay. I'll be right back," Kid Flash said. He raced out and in a second he was back holding a picture of himself, already signed. 

"Oh wow! Thank you! My sister will love this. She just loves you, ya know," the waiter gabbed. 

"Ya ya. I would like a cinnamon roll and a cup of chai tea please," Jinx said. 

"Of course. Anything for Kid Flash's girlfriend," the waiter said. 

"Whoa there. Who said anything about girlfriend?" Kid Flash said. 

"Ya, slow you're roll, Johnny," Jinx said reading his name off of his name tag. 

"Wait, you guys haven't had the talk yet. You should really do that," the waiter said. He wrote down her order and left. 

"What a nosy waiter, huh?" Jinx asked.  

"Yeah. But, you know that I do care for you very much," Kid Flash said. 

"As do I, I'm just afraid that it won't work out. Since, I'm a villain and you're a hero," Jinx said. 

"So do I. I've been thinking, why don't you join my side," Kid Flash said. 

"No," Jinx said. 

"You won't even consider it?" Kid Flash asked. 

"No, absolutely not! How can you ask me such a thing?!" Jinx asked. 

"You know what, forget about it. Look, I'm sorry I asked. I think it can still work, though. You see how easily people can be manipulated. Perhaps, our relationship can work," Kid Flash said. 

"Yes, I suppose so. It's worked this long after all," Jinx said. They smiled at each other and Kid Flash reached over and held her hand. 

"I think it can work, Girlfriend," he said and smiled. 

"Good, because I'm willing to try, Boyfriend," Jinx said. Jinx smiled, but she couldn't help but think that this couldn't work. A lot of people wouldn't be bribed that easily. The waiter then brought out the food. 

"Here you go. I hope you like it," the waiter said. He left and Jinx and Kid Flash ate and talked. Then, the waiter came by and cleared her dishes. 

"Well, that was delicious. Here's he money," Jinx said, handing the waiter some money. 

"Hey hey hey. What are you doing? Your my girlfriend so I should pay for your food," Kid Flash said, handing the waiter his money. Jinx put his hand down. 

"We live in the 21st century. I want to be treated like an equal," Jinx said. 

"Okay then. I learn something new about you everyday. My girlfriends a feminist," Kid Flash said. They linked hands and left the bakery.

Time skip to at closing time

"Okay, Johnny. Your closing up tonight," Gary, the other worker, said. 

"Sure thing. See you later," Johnny said. Gary nodded a goodbye. When Johnny heard the clang of the bell, he walked into the back of the shop. As he went, he morphed into Madam Rouge. She put on her jacket and grabbed a bag. It was labeled: Kid Flash. 

"In due time, you will get what is coming to you," she said and walked out of the bakery.

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