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You were in school and only focused on that. You had a part-time job too to pay the bills. Of course this is due to the fact that both your parents had been long gone due to them being in a brutal ghoul attack. You mourned but since you were never close to any other family members, scratch that, due to you not even knowing of any other family members, you had to move on and fend for yourself. You were very independent to begin with, and yet you still managed to have people be curious about you and sort of be pulled to you, like you were a magnet. Apparently you had a "charming charisma" and you were "charismatic", but in all honesty you were just yourself. Although you had a good amount of people to call friends, you still enjoyed solitude the best. You felt relaxed and placid. Even when your parents were still with you, whenever they'd go out, you'd enjoy being by yourself. You weren't antisocial, but you did diagnose your self a mildly asocial. But overall you were pretty normal. You missed the company of your guardians and you missed the somewhat care-free life you had lived with them. Now you were struggling with school and work. Boyfriends were ABSOLUTELY out of the question. Especially at a time like this, you needed to focus on surviving more than actually "living" at the moment. Same routine, different day. That was your motto and your life for the time being. And now, you didn't like it, but if you were to know what would happen soon... Let's just say you'd give anything to have that motto still apply to you.

[A/N] So that was my intro to the story, basically just a run down about the type of person you are in the story. And a tad bit of background info too. The next chapter will be the actual storyline!

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