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You were walking home after your shift was over at the local café. You had to stay late today and help clean up and lock up. It was pretty late from the last time you had checked the clock inside your work. You were now walking through your regular route back to home. The wind was merciless, it was roaring almost. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair was blown in any and every direction. Besides the wind, you had this ominous feeling. Something wasn't right. But you being you, you shrug it off because nothing could possibly happen to you. Actually though, this has been a normal occurrence. You'd be by yourself, and you just would get the most uneasy feeling. Whether it be you feeling like you were being watched, followed, or just feeling as if something terrible was about to take place. Though nothing ever happened. But today, that wouldn't be the case. You made a turn to head through some alleyways, creepy but you got home way quicker. At least if you got there faster, the less of a chance you'd have of getting attacked by ghouls or worse, humans. "Hey you! What's a cutie like you doing here all alone?" A rather obnoxious sounding voice came from the corner of the alleyway. 'Shit, not today, I just wanna go home without having another traumatic experience to tell my therapist about'. You began walking back the way you came. Like hell you were about to walk through that. The longer way it is.
The winds didn't stop, but you did. You froze actually. You got the sudden feeling of terror. Unbeknownst to you, you were in fact being followed and watched. You were right all along. But now... Now there was proof. A sleek black car had been tailing you for a while. While you had noticed multiple people trying to watch you subtly from a safe distance. Your pace quickened, along with your hearts'. You fast walked in front of a man wearing all black on a bench, but before you could pass by you suddenly came into contact with the ground 'thud!'. You were confused at first 'what the hell?! Did he actually just trip me?' "Hey-" you were about to speak but before you could muster out anything else you were soon straddled by the man as he was on top of your fallen form. He put a cloth over your face. It smelt funny. Right before your mind went blank, you heard a deep voice "this will be interesting." And soon you were plunged into a deep slumber.

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