Our arrangements p.2

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[A/N] Calmez-vous- calm down,ça fait mal- that hurts, Ma petit chanteuse- my little singer.

You and Tsukiyama were strolling down sidewalks, heading towards a coffee shop he likes. Everything was alright until you felt immense pain In your head and stomach... You were hungry. Tsukiyama noticed your sudden change in behavior and asked, "are you alright mon cheríe?" He sounded concerned alright. "T-Tsukiyama, I'm so hungry. I'm gonna loose control." You started to growl lightly, it was taking over you already. You saw his eyes widen. He quickly grabbed you and took you into the nearest alley way. Luckily no one was near. You fell in his arms. You were trying your hardest not to hurt him. You felt surges of adrenaline and sheer power flow through you. You were the predator, and he was the prey, and you were ready to pounce. You slid down the wall and hugged yourself. "Calmez-vous, (y/n)." Tsukiyama began to play with your (h/c) hair in means of trying to calm you down. It didn't work much. You nipped at him, but he pushed you back. And that's when he said something that left you stunned. "(Y/n)" he said in a completely serious tone. "Take a bite of me." Your jaw went slightly agape after that. "Please, I assure you it won't harm me too badly. It'll suppress some hunger. You'll gain control again. Please, mon cheríe." He pleaded. He looked desperate. You refused at first, but he looked so concerned. You agreed later on after you couldn't bare it any longer. And then your transformation began. Your eyes became white with the exception of the Crimson center and veins. You felt your sharp teeth protruding from your now sore gums. There was blood, not as much as the first few times though. You looked at Tsukiyama to see his reaction, he looked as if he was awestruck. You cowered into yourself, as you knew he'd be disgusted and terrified. You expected this really. This was the main reason for you not wanting to give in to his request. You looked up once more to see Tsukiyama on the verge of tears. "DOLCE! You smell so tantalizing (y/n)! Your blood is so aromatic, I can't even imagine what it'd taste like!" You saw a crazed look on his face. You were lost now. He wanted a bite of you as much as you wanted a bite of him. "At least let me taste your sweet blood mon cheríe!" He cried out. You couldn't even think of your answer since he plunged forward and smashed his lips into yours. Your eyes widened as he sucked the blood that came from your mouth. He made noises that were over dramatized, which meant he was indeed happy with your taste. You couldn't help but blush but then his neck came in very close proximity, a dangerously close proximity. You didn't think twice about dodging him and heading to chomp on his neck. You moved swiftly, so much that Tsukiyama didn't comprehend what had just happened until you sunk your fangs into his soft flesh. He lightly winced in pain. Since it was so sudden, "ça fait mal, mon c-cheríe." You were lost in ecstasy. It was an indescribable flavor. Each bite only intensified in taste. He began to breath heavily, you managed to snap out of your high and acknowledge this. You stopped. And removed your face from his neck slowly. Fangs were gone and your eyes slowly went back to normal. He leaned into you, "T-Tsukiyama-kun!" Your bite was brutal. You were very worried now. He weakly laughed, "Not to worry mon cheríe! It'll heal quickly. Just comfort me until then." You did as he said. You sat down and brought him with you. You placed him to your left, making sure he leaned into you for further support. And you began to play with his hair gently, and hum a song softly. "My my, my sweet (y/n) can you sing? If this is your humming voice, I'd love to hear you sing." You hadn't sung in front of anyone except your parents... In fact you hadn't sang since they passed. It was a passion of yours for the longest time. That and the piano and violin. But all that was out of the question once they passed. But you felt bad so, you'd do it for him. "Don't be fooled Tsukiyama-kun, I make no promises that my voice will be to your fulfillment, but here goes."
[A/N] insert any song here, I didn't want to ruin the story by adding my song so it's your choice.
After you sang the last line of the song, you were immediately met with Tsukiyama's gaze. He was looking at you in awe. "Magnifique! You're Ma petit chanteuse!" He said in an excited tone. "What does that mean?" You asked. "My little singer, of course." You blushed instantly. But then averted your gaze to his neck. It hadn't healed one bit... Why was that. "It seems it hasn't healed.. Oh well. I know where I can replenish my health. Would you care to come cheríe?" He asked very bored. "Sure.." You attended to his sweater collar so that it could cover the bite for the most part. And you followed him to wherever he meant to go. And sure enough, you ended up at the last place you wanted to be... Anteiku.
As soon as you were in view of the familiar coffee shop, you stopped dead in your tracks. Which led Tsukiyama to step back unbalanced since he was pulling you along by your hand. "Hm? What's the matter cheríe?" You froze as you saw Kaneki through the window, then Nishiki. "This is where I had first came, then I left and you found me..." You looked to him with pleading eyes. He returned your look with soft looking expression. "I understand. Well, you wait here then. I need to speak with Yoshimura-San. Don't worry, I won't say a thing about you cheríe." He reassured you with a kind smile and a sudden kiss to your forehead. Which left you dumbfounded so much so that he was already long gone into anteiku. You couldn't see him though. So you decided to pass the time by, you sat on a bench close the shop. And you took out a book you found in Tsukiyama's manor. It was one of your favorite authors too, it impressed you that he read her works. The book was titled 'Black Goat's Egg' by Takatsuki Sen. You hadn't gotten the chance to read this one yet. You especially indulged in her horror novels. Her writing style was so unique. Delicate yet intricate at the same time. Simple, yet deep meanings hidden in all her books. Reading her books at the dinner table with your parents is one of your favorite past times. As you are caught up in old memories, a white haired boy had been watching you In disbelief. He decided to approach you as you began to read. He was only a few steps behind where you sat and he already noticed the book you were reading. His eyes widened and the edges of his lips curled slightly upwards. He decided to let you read in peace for the time being and left back into the shop.
You had been reading for what seems like forever, not that you minded. It was a great book so far, you were just.. Worried is all. 'Why am I worried about that purple haired psycho. Wow, says the girl who doesn't even know what she is...' You had made up your mind to go check things out. Despite your past with the place. You walked in slowly and hesitantly. Trying not to gain too much attention. But what you had failed to realize was that there was a bell placed so when the door opened it would ring. And as soon as it did... All eyes were on you. 'Stealthy (y/n) real stealthy.' You sat yourself at the end of the shop. Head lowered and face practically in the book. "I think that's bad for your eyes..(y/n)" it was him, Kaneki. You recognized his voice and scent immediately. You dove your head further into your book. You heard a deep sigh. But was soon nudged and scooted over to the window with a strong arm placed over your shoulder. You carefully lifted your head to see that it was Nishiki sitting beside you. "Oi, what the hell did you leave us for?! You had us worried you know? What the hell were you thinking?." He said angered with a hint of relief. "I just thought that by your lack of speech and your facial expressions.. That.. -"
"That what?! That we'd desert you or kick you out? Well you couldn't have been any more stupid and wrong!" He said loudly. "Nishiki-" Kaneki tried. "No! I may not have been here as long as the others, but from it I've learned that these people don't deny someone in need. Why would you be different (y/n)!" He reasoned. "Well, for one, can we change the question to why I wouldn't be different than the rest.. It's a much shorter list." You were joking a bit which angered him further. "You brat, you knew what I was getting at." "Sorry, i don't know. I guess I just constantly expect the worst. It's... Easier that way." "(Y/n)" Kaneki said. "So, you've returned to us?" A deep voice Called out. It was Yoshimura-San. You stood up and bowed as low as you could without hitting the table. "I'm sorry. Even if you didn't want me here, it was very rude of me to just run off." You said in an ashamed manor. "Not to worry young one, your behavior is quite understandable, after all, it isn't the first time one of our guests has ran away." He said looking directly at Kaneki, who in return lowered his head. 'Is there something I'm missing here?' "Ahh! Mon cheríe I- what're you doing with them?" Tsukiyama suddenly burst from the back door. "I was getting worried so I came in. We're just talking Tsukiyama-kun." He eyed you suspiciously but then smiles graciously. "Well, then I do believe you all have met my cheríe previously yes?" "Your... Cheríe?" Asked Kaneki and Nishiki in unison. "Why yes of course, she has been staying with me after all!" After that reveal they all stared at you in shock. Kaneki and Nishiki looked pissed though. You could tell they were waiting on an explanation, "You see, after I ran away, I was being chased by three members of the ccg. I managed to outrun them, but ended up landing In much deadlier trap." You glared over to Tsukiyama playfully. He feigned a hurt expression as he held his right hand over his heart. "Non non! What ever do you mean... Ma cheríe." He really put emphasis on the last part. He smiled smugly and Kaneki and Nishiki who were now glaring daggers and him. "And are you alright with him (y/n)" Yoshimura-San asked me. But Tsukiyama replied instead, "Why ask such a thing! Of course she is." He gasped at the question. "He clearly asked (y/n), not you." Kaneki growled. They proceeded to look at you for a response. "I am fine, I actually like living there. But I am concerned about my control issue. Even on the way here, I lost it. I, I had to feed on Tsukiyama-kun a bit in order to regain myself. That's also why we're here. His bite hasn't healed, so he came here for flesh I assume." Just as Yoshimura-San was about to propose an idea, the news on the tv had a report that intrigued us all. We turned our heads after hearing an obviously practiced voice say, "The ccg had been working on a top secret experiment to help rid the ghoul population. It involved a test subject, the name, gender, and face of the subject has yet to be revealed, since the facility in which the experiments took place was burnt down and in ruins quite savagely. Workers of the ccg head quarters say that it's evident that their experiment went rogue and it's very likely that the subject is still loose around the area. Her threat rate is said to be up there with the infamous SSS rated ghouls says a ccg detective who wishes to remain anonymous due to their regards on their own safety. Though that is not confirmed yet, the subject could be less or God forbid, even more elusive than that of the infamous ghouls. But since the subject escaped before the experiment was concluded over, it's probable that they likely won't uncover or realize their own potential, which is much to our favor. But the citizens of the wards nearby should still be on alert. The subject is still rogue, still dangerous, and still out there. If you encounter any strange events or behaviors out of the ordinary, please contact this number (insert random number) for help. Stay safe! -" The reporter had continued on about another matter. I was horrified.. My mouth was certainly agape. And as I managed to focus my attention to the people surrounding me, I notice their awe as well. We were all too struck with that sudden bombshell that not one of us paid Attention to the very ccg detectives outside the shop, searching like hounds for the new rogue variant... You. You were found out, you were known, and now... You were being traced.

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