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[A/N] French words: mon cheríe- my dear, ma douce- my sweet, mon amour- my love.

Honestly, the amount of times you've now awoken in a place you aren't familiar with was getting tiring and old. But it did smell quite heavenly. Which was a nice change from the smell of bleach and blood in your room during the experiments, and the intense smell of coffee at anteiku. This smell was also overwhelming, but you basked in it. It was driving you crazy, you couldn't pin point the direct location of the smell, it was everywhere. "Ahh finally, mon cheríe you've awoken from your slumber I see." Said the man that smuggled you. The room was dimly lit and it was a quite luxurious room from what you can see. The aroma got even stronger as he waltzed into the room. "Hm? Why the long face? Do you not like your room?" He asked in a sad tone. "N-no it's not that.." You said timidly because of what you were thinking. "Then what is the matter, ma douce?" He asked slowly in a deep tone. "Well, you just smell, really... Really really delectable.." 'Crap, I need to get a hold of myself, I won't loose control... But why the hell does he smell so good?! Maybe cause I haven't.. "Eaten".' "Huh?! My my, what a naughty thing you are. Here I scooped you up, hoping to get a taste of you, yet you had a hidden agenda?! You want a taste of me, mon amour? Only if I taste you." The last part was said in a rather demanding tone. Your eyes widened at his words. 'Was he serious? How sick was this guy?' You guessed you had a questioning look on your face since the next thing he said was, "ohh! Of course! How can we have a fine dine without introducing ourselves! I am Shuu Tsukiyama. And you, mon cheríe?" 'What's going on here? Why does he want a taste of me? I'm no ghoul, and not human so..' "I am (l/n) (f/n)... Why do you want to taste me? I already told you I'm not ghoul nor human, aren't you afraid or something?" You were honestly confused on how he paid no mind to your condition... You kind of liked that though. "And why would I be scared?" He said in a blunt tone. "Because as far as you know, there've only been two species... Human and ghoul. And Im neither. It scared and shocked the last people who found out.. That's why I left before they could tell me to leave." You hadn't meant to sound that monotone but you couldn't have helped it. But you were thinking of Kaneki and Nishiki for some reason. "I see, well I may not be the only outcome of a new species but, I am a peculiar ghoul... I don't just eat humans you see, I too eat ghouls. And it seems you do the same. Just what are you?" 'He-he eats ghouls? But he's one.. So why- crap, the same question I haven't had the answer for..' "Well I don't exactly know. I was experimented on for months and recently escaped. The people I just left had helped me until I remembered where I came from. But I left and then you.. Abducted me and so here we are now." 'Why the hell did I just spill all that out to him? Guess he's just easy to talk too..?' "What a shame, they couldn't realize what a rare treat you were... But I did, and I assure you mon cheríe that I will cherish you and your rare taste, if you'll let me." 'Why did it sound like he was trying to seduce someone?' "Like I said, you can also have a taste of me in exchange" 'I know he's deliberately trying to persuade me, and it's working but I'm so hungry. The smell just keeps getting more and more intense.' "Very well, but what's the catch.. You don't seem like the man to just make a deal without hidden arrangements in mind, Tsukiyama. I may not have known you for long at all, but I've always been a rather good judge of character. So?" You may have been hungry, but not that hungry to not question this man. He giggled slightly at your growing impatient self. "Well well, you're quite sharp, fine, I won't let you go. No one can know of your existence. They'll want a taste of you too. I don't want you soiled. And I'm afraid I cannot have that, mon cheríe. So you'll stay with me here, and I can have a taste of you whenever and same to you. Sound good?!" He sounded pretty confident. Before you could open your mouth to reveal your answer he spoke over you. "Besides, you have no where else to go-" you cut him off. "I can always find somewhere!-" he then cut you off. "Non non! You didn't let me finish. You also have those rather pesky doves following your every move. In my perspective, I saved you!" 'Damn, as much as you wanted to counter argue, you couldn't, you had forgotten about the ccg. Wait..' "Why are they even after me? I'm not a ghoul.." Your head was throbbing from all these unanswered questions and your hunger at this point. "That is a very good question mon cheríe, why don't I help you find answers as well then. Besides, I am curious as to what I'll be eating from now on." He purred which sent shivers down your spine. "Will you really?" You were acting reserved and unsure but in reality, you actually seemed to trust him. You didn't know why but you didn't like it either, it made you all the more vulnerable besides the fact that you had no where to go now too. "But of course! I cannot deprive a beautiful young woman of my help!" He said proudly. You managed to crack a smile when you thought he wouldn't see. You found him to also be charismatic.. Wait.. Is this how people saw you when they used to say that to you?! You hoped not. But he saw you smile, and he was seeing you now, as you were deep in thought he was lost deep into your now golden eyes. You noticed and he said, "you are very beautiful when you smile like that mon cheríe... And your eyes, they are neon gold, everything about you seems like a rarity. How spectacular.." You hadn't meant to but you blushed furiously, you managed to get your hue under control, but it was too late, he caught sight of this and smirked. "Ahh, do I make your heart race? That very much pleases me you know. But it seems I've gotten you a little too worked up-" "N-no you haven't!" You growled back. He laughed softly. "Either way, I'll leave you to rest mon cheríe, seems you've had quite the day no?" 'Why was he being so considerate all this sudden. Not too long ago he just wanted to devour you it seemed. It's probably a part of his act to make me let my guard down... Nice try Tsukiyama.. Let the games begin.' "But I-I'm still hungry..." You pouted and whined. You saw his expression change, eyes widen, you had him. "You really are exquisite, but, I will not pick a fruit until it's ripened to perfection. Just like I will not pick a flower until it has blossomed completely." He had a sly smile. 'Did he pick up on what I was attempting?!' "But I do hate to disappoint so, here, take this as a small token of my apologies." You tilted your head as he turned around, only to come back with a rose that was shaded Crimson. It was an odd color. But I guess that's why he picked that one. And it seemed like he read your mind when he said "it's a strange color for a rose, but it makes it all the more remarkable. Like you." You felt a blush coming but you took control of the situation. "Yes well, I guess this'll have to do. Thank you, Tsukiyama-kun." You made sure to add the 'kun' to his name for effect. And it worked. You saw his face light up and his face softened afterwards. "Well goodnight, (y/n)-chan." You returned the smile and laid over on your bed. Tsukiyama was right, he is a peculiar ghoul...

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