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You were now wide awake, sitting upwards in your new bed. You know you had a dream of some sort, but you couldn't remember it now. 'Bummer...' You thought to yourself. You noticed movement to your left side and saw that Kaneki was still slumped in the chair, asleep. 'Wow.. He actually did stay here the whole night.' You were too busy being in awe with the fact that he kept his word to notice that he wasn't actually asleep, he now opened his eyes, examining you, and spoke up "I see you're awake now." He said in a rather groggy voice. You shot up at the sudden voice, not only had it caught you off guard... But you could've sworn you've heard that phrase somewhere before. Then it clicked. That very statement triggered the memory of your dream. A dream of what you had actually been through. Experiments. You broke down, grabbing your head trying to make sense of everything that just came flooding back. You knew what had happened to you now. "Hey, hey (y/n)-chan! Snap out of it!" Kaneki called, and you did snap out of it. You calmed as he sat beside you, rubbing your back in a reassuring manner. You sobbed quietly. Not out of pity for your self, but for the sheer anger you now held. You were angry at yourself for being so weak and pathetic. You hating being like that. "(Y/n), what happened..?" Kaneki asked in a concerned way. You realized you owed these people an explanation. After all, you'd be practically living with them now, that is if they still let you even when you've told them about your recent past. You sighed 'it can't be helped I guess'. You looked up at Kaneki and gave him a weak smile. "Can you gather the others here? I have some explaining to do." He looked at you confused but obliged your request.
~time skip~
Instead of them meeting in your room, they decided to go over to their office room. Where they discussed: business, plans, and personal matters apparently. You were standing as you asked them all to sit. You did a head count to make sure they were all here, you really didn't want to have to explain again if someone didn't hear. 'Here goes nothing' you motivated yourself before you began, "I know you all must be curious, surely after my actions and odd behavior... But before I explain what happened to me, I want to make one thing clear. Once I have finished my story, I want you all to know that I wouldn't care if you didn't want me here anymore. I'll understand, plus I don't get attached easily so don't spare my "feelings". You say with quotation mark symbols with both hands after saying 'feelings'. Since you had few. "So with that, let me begin. Before Kaneki found me on that day, I was a normal human I think, believe it or not. I went to school, and had a part time job at some other coffee shop. Both my parents are deceased due to a ghoul attack- don't worry I don't hold grudges-" you said assuringly. "So I was, and am all alone. But that changed when I was ambushed on my way back from work. I stayed late and failed to notice I was being followed and watched, until... Until it was too late. Some man tripped me over and put some cloth over my face which knocked me out. I awoke only to be strapped up and greeted by a sadistic doctor and his underlings. They experimented on me, cut into me like I was their feast, and did field tests on me to see if whatever they were attempting on me kicked in. This continued on for months. But I ended up escaping, obviously. I don't know how, all I can salvage from that point is the color of Crimson. I- I wasn't sure what that meant but now looking back, I think I know what happened... I believe you can assume so as well. But, here I am now. I never knew what they were experimenting on me with, or what they were trying to achieve... But I do know that I get this insatiable hunger... Craving for flesh. Humans at first, but the hunger grew even more with your scents. Sorry I couldn't answer on what I am exactly, but, that's my background..." You drifted off on your words waiting for a reaction, a conversation, a noise. But they all stayed silent, with different expressions. Kaneki looked sympathetic and distraught. 'Why is that?' Yoshimura-San looked concerned and shocked. Yomo-San was blank as ever, yet his eyes were full of expression, scared?! Touka-chan's eyes were wide with disbelief. Nishiki looked downright stupid since his mouth was open, but, he did look worried. "Umm, I'll be leaving now" you said as you stormed off, not knowing how to get out. But you needed to escape that uncomfortable aura surrounding the room. Suddenly you were out side. 'How'd I get here so fast? What am I, superhuman?' You scoffed at your own thoughts. 'I'm far from super and far from human.' You strolled down the street. Not bothering to look back. 'Based on their reactions, I'm sure they didn't want to deal with me. Hell, I don't wanna deal with me. I should've left as soon as my memory came back.' You did think about Kaneki and Nishiki though, out of them all you were able to clearly tell that they at least, were genuinely concerned. Not just with the situation solely, but more concerned with you as a person. Your thoughts were interrupted though as you noticed three built men wearing coats with business cases? Following you directly. 'Crap! I'm not going to be experimented on anymore!' You stopped for a second only to run at top speed. You were making sharp turns here and there. You had heard footsteps tailing you at first, but, you must've lost them a while ago. You stopped to take a breather, you weren't exactly exhausted but, you ran incredibly fast, probably thanks to that experiment. And you weren't used to exerting your potential at all. You were amazed at yourself, failing to notice or care about your surroundings. Another dark alley, with someone watching you from a building "dolce!... Even Kaneki-Kun can't match this odd yet tantalizing aroma... What are you?" Spoken from an unknown person.
Snapped out of your trance like state of 'holy crap did I just do that', you finally acknowledged the fact that you were, again, being watched. You sighed harshly. At this point you weren't even phased by being followed or watched, yeah it was creepy, but annoying mostly now a days. You could hear a heart beat, a sweet smell. A ghoul. You licked your lips in anticipation of finding this unknown identity. But you abruptly stopped, thinking 'what am I doing? I can't lose control again. I'll black out and who knows what'll happen... I know ghouls do to humans exactly what I'm now doing to them, but, I don't want to kill anything, or anyone. Not if there's a chance I could lose myself even more.' You began to walk away, it took all of you to not turn back and search vigorously to find that person. You bit your lip with more strength than you intended, licking the blood away you peaked a certain someone's interest even more.
"OH! That scent! It's simply magnifique! The finest flesh!" A voice groaned, struggling to contain their excitement. "I must acquire this succulent prize for myself, I will not let it be tainted by any!" The person rushed down from the building to pounce on you. You managed to realize this quick enough to dodge and spin kick him to the wall. "Ouch!" A deep masculine voice yelled almost jokingly. "It's not everyday that someone manages to make me remember pain." He rose from the rubble. Your eyes widened. You examined him to see that he was tall, wide and built, had a darker lilac hair shade, and wore a very... Eye-catching suit. Bright red suit topped off with a black suit shirt and purple tie. 'Wow, way to stay undercover' you rolled your eyes and huffed. "Oh dear, you're quite the feisty one, aren't you?!" The man said as if amused. "Reminds me of a certain someone" he spoke as he looked up as if recalling a precious memory. "Yeah, so? What do you want? In case you haven't noticed just yet, I'm not human so you can scram." You said in a bored yet annoyed tone. "Tsk tsk tsk, how rude mon cheríe! I was only going to compliment your... Fine scent, is all." He tried sounding innocent as can be. "Well thanks, I'll be going now." You had turned to leave, only to find him somehow standing directly in front of you. Blocking your vision of anything but his broad chest. "Hey what do you think-" you were about to snap until he revealed a cloth and smothered it into your face. 'Not this again..' Was your final thought until you fell into his strong arms. "Ahh, you smell so delicious I almost just want to preserve you... But you're too tempting... Mon cheríe! You'll be out in un, deu, trois... There we are!" You finally fell completely limp into his arms. Since you were now stronger you had a harder time surrendering completely with these things. "I'll nurture you until you're at your peak of freshness." Was all he said as he carried you away.

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