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You faintly heard clattering of cups maybe? And hushed voices surrounding you. You weren't completely conscious yet, but you were vaguely aware of your surroundings though. You were brought back to a memory you had repressed in the recesses of your mind.
Muffled voices surrounded you, you slowly fluttered your lashes in attempt to clear your vision. There were doctors all around you, discussing something about methods? You carefully look to your left to see a table filled with tools that would scare the living hell out of anyone. Your heart race kicked up. You had felt as if this was déjà-vu, you had relived this many times... Because you had. You were stuck for months. Knocked out only to be awakened for the experiments again and again. "My dear (y/n)" you heard his voice. The doctor that was in control of all of this. "Are you ready for round-.... Hmm, interesting, I already lost count!" So did you though. "Let's begin!" He said in a high pitched voice. You could tell he was just itching to continue his experiments. As you were lost in your thoughts, you winced as you felt your stomach being cut open. "AHHAGHH, STOP!" You managed to scream out. "Hm? Seems the more we experiment, the more you're immune to our sedations... The experiment is going very well then." He gave you a crooked closed eyed smile. You were breathing heavily as tears trickled down your face. "Give her higher dosage. Although I adore those screams and yelps of yours, (y/n), you'll hinder our abilities with your movements." You turned to look at the female nurse who had brought forth your dosage. 'T-that's too m-much, please, n-no!' The dosage amount was way more than any other you've been given. Would you even be able to handle it? You began to struggle and yell out in defiance. "YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH JUST P-PLEASE LEAVE ME BE!" At this point you were sobbing quite uncontrollably, you were probably going to get dehydrated soon with the amount of times you've cried. "It's all part of the plan, but, We aren't done yet. Besides, it's for the greater good. So be a good lab rat and accept it!" He shouted the last part quite harshly. You quivered at his tone, your cut had begun to throb even more. You yelped in pain. "The sooner we inject you, (y/n), the faster the pain will disperse. Plus, I can't see your pretty (e/c) eyes when they're filled with tears" he threw you a wink and you swear you wanted to throw up. You felt a sting in your arm, to notice the needle was there.. But before it could kick in, you felt them dig into you like you were some kind of feast. Before you could cry out in pain, you were again surrounded in black.
//end of flashback//
You panicked at the sudden remembrance. You rose from where you had been placed frantically, you hoped you weren't still in there. Your vision had to refocus its self but your eyes were met with many others. "You alright there?" You turned to see the boy you had met earlier. "I'm Ken Kaneki. But you can call me Kaneki" he said with a faint smile. So that's his name. "You said the other night that you were (y/n)? If I remember correctly." He continued. "Y-yes. What am I doing here? What happened?" You were very lost. All you remembered now was meeting him... And those wretched people.. What happened to them? Did they set me free? You pondered until he spoke. "You're at anteiku, a coffee shop in the 20th ward. I found you on the streets and brought you back here to help... But-" he was cut off by glasses over there, "BUT! You attacked us all out of no where" the glasses wearing guy scoffed. Wait what? You attacked them... But why. "What's your name?" You asked glasses. "...nishiki" he mumbled in reply. "You will be staying with us from now on. I assume you don't have any recollection of the events from a few nights ago? You also don't seem to be a ghoul, certainly not human. You haven't figured that out yet though. Don't worry. We're welcoming you with open arms. You're home." Yoshimura-San reassured you in a gentle tone. He was correct though. You knew you weren't either of the species. And that scared you greatly. "If I did attack you all, as you said... Why would you so openly welcome me? Besides, in my state, couldn't be a bother to such humble people..." "What do you mean?! If we're offering then it wouldn't be a burden at all. We'd love to help you and figure out what happened to you." Said Touka in a matter-of-fact tone. "That, and we wouldn't let some unknown species run around the streets and pose a threat." You turned to see the stoic man again. "Yomo-San!" Yelled Kaneki. "No no, I understand. He's right. I'm dangerous, and I thank you for your hospitality and concern." You said to calm the atmosphere. "(Y/n)-chan" Kaneki said. "Enough now, she should rest. But before we leave you, you must know that in exchange for your security here, you must work at our shop as payment." It's not like you've never worked at a coffee shop before.. So why not. Speaking of... What about your old work? School?! Well, those savages probably took care of it. "Alright, sounds good." "Great, there's more you should know, but I'll save that for when you finish your rest" you figured that couldn't be it, and you wanted to know now but you were tired. So you nodded your head in acknowledgement. You watched as they all left the room one by one. Except Kaneki. He sat still by your beside. "K-kaneki... What's wrong?" You asked him hesitantly. He stared at you with his grey eyes, it was intimidating but reassuring if that was possible. "... You have very strange eyes (y/n) they're unusual." What? But your eyes were (e/c).. What was so strange about that. "You haven't seen huh... Here" he handed you a small mirror. What the- your eyes... They were no longer (e/c)... They were a vivid golden - almost yellow like hue. Your now liquid gold eyes widened in shock as your hand shook rapidly. "Hey, calm down. I said they're strange but, it's also pretty..." Kaneki said in a hesitant tone. Was he trying to comfort you? "Y-yeah. You think so?" You asked in disbelief. "I do, I've never seen such a vibrant hue like that. It's intriguing." You smiled warmly at his comment. You noticed his cheeks lightly blushed with pink? Your eyes widen and you turn away. 'Is he blushing?!' No way. You turned to talk but the door swung open. "OI! Bakaneki! Stop annoying the poor girl will ya!" Growled Nishiki. "He's not a bother to me at all though.." You remarked. "Yoshimura-San said you needed rest though." Nishiki glared at you. 'Wow, he obviously doesn't like me very much.. Well I did attack him.' "I think I'll stay and watch over (y/n) to make sure she's ok or that she doesn't loose control again." He glanced over to you as if asking permission. You tilted your head in confusion as he smiled. But you nodded in agreement. "Tch.. Whatever" Nishiki was sure to scowl at Kaneki before slamming the door. 'Jeez, what's up with him?' "Sorry about his behavior. He's older than me but acts like a child at times. By the way.. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking." "I'm seventeen" you answered cooly. "Oh? So am I." The air soon became awkward as no one said anything. "When will I be going back to school?" You asked to rid the awkwardness. "Not sure, depends on if you can control yourself... Who knows how long that can take. But we'll discuss this later. You need rest." He said while flashing you a smile. You didn't want to sleep. What if you had a dream... More like nightmare, about the experiment again. He saw the uneasiness in your face and spoke up, "Don't worry, I'll be right here" you looked up at him and slightly smiled. His face seemed to brighten at your small gesture. Which led to blood rushing to your cheeks. 'Shoot! Blushing right now?! Really me?!' You thought to yourself as you shifted to lay down facing his direction and you closed your eyes gently before muttering "thanks, Kaneki." And you drifted off to sleep.
•Kaneki's pov•
(Y/n) smiled at me... It seemed so genuine and grateful. She was beautiful... I've never seen anyone like her. She is even more beautiful than rize was... 'Wait. What? No, what is this feeling... Whatever.' But I couldn't help but blush at her gesture. I watched her fall asleep as she fluttered her long lashes and now golden eyes shut. She muttered something before she fell completely asleep though, "thanks, Kaneki." I smiled again. 'This must be a record. Since when have I smiled so whole-heartedly this often..' "Goodnight, (y/n)" I said before pulling the covers over her.
•Nishiki's pov•
"Tch" Nishiki said whilst leaning against (y/n)'s door. 'Who does this kid think he is? Getting all cozy with this girl already. That's not even like him... He must be after something. I don't trust him after the aogiri tree business. That (y/n) girl could be in more danger than she thinks... Why do I care though?! The hell.' "Thanks, Kaneki." Nishiki heard (y/n) quietly speak. 'Why am I getting so mad..because she's speaking with him?.. No matter. If that's the case. Then I'll help her, and protect her from him at all costs.' Nishiki clenched his fists as he walked away from (y/n)'s room. 'But... What is she? What's her story?' Nishiki thought as he entered the shop.

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