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"FINE! We will wait for your assistant to get here, because we know that she took the work home with her, finished it, and will hand it over to you so that you can take credit for her doing the job," Declan said with venom.

"What the fuck is your problem today?" I asked Declan, because he was in one fuck of a mood.

"Today? Well, let's see. Today, I'm dealing with my art major brother getting paid the same as I do to do a job I had to go to college for. AND he doesn't actually have to do the work because he hired someone who was overqualified and he is using her."

"I'd be happy to leave and go back to my life. Then, you can figure out some other place to work with someone else's name on the building."

"Is that going to be your excuse for everything?! You saved the company so we should all bend over backwards to make your life easier."

"MAKE MY LIFE EASIER?" I screamed. "YEAH! It's super fucking easy to leave the woman I thought I was going to marry halfway across the world. And stop doing the job that I went to school for SIX years to do. Moving back to a town I had no desire to ever come back to and do a job I knew by the age of five that I never wanted anything to do with. IS THAT HOW MY LIFE HAS BEEN MADE EASIER?!!!!" I was fuming.

The argument continued until Hannah showed up and Declan closed his office door. "Just be at the meeting on time." I opened the door and left, slamming it behind me.

"Morning Harris."

"Yeah. Whatever," I mumbled to Hannah as I walked by. I walked back to my office and sat behind my desk. It wasn't that I couldn't do the meeting without her, but he was right. I hadn't done most of the edits and I didn't know a lot of the questions he was going to ask and as much as I hated to admit it, Tate knew how to answer their questions in a way that didn't make it look like I had no idea what she was talking about.

The elevator dinged and she walked out. I didn't even let her sit down. "Tate!" The meeting is in ten minutes and I have no idea where I put my files!"

She walked in, still wearing her jacket and those god forsaken running shoes that she wore to work. Her hand stretched across my desk and to the inbox. I already looked and all that was there is some contracts that she finished yesterday. Her hands dug to the bottom of the pile and unearthed the files. She handed them to me and said, "thank you," with her hands still holding onto the one side of the files.


"When someone helps you, you say THANK YOU." She was too calm, which just meant that she was exceptionally pissed at me this morning. As much as I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of being right, she DID just take the files out of the box she told me they would be in, because I didn't look hard enough.

"Thank you," I said and she turned and left my office.

We walked to the meeting, shoulder-to-shoulder down the narrow hallway. She was annoyed, but that was the least of my worries. I was about to walk into a room with Declan and my dad, where I'm sure we were just going to continue some version of the fight that he and I had been having since I started working here. The one where he's tell me how much I suck at my job.

Words were exchanged, and Wyatt tried her best to defuse the situation where it was appropriate for her to give her two cents, but there came a point that it was just Declan and I hitting below the belt. The whole exchange bubbled up to Declan shouting, "if you didn't have Wyatt, you'd have no clue what you were doing here. Then, you think you can come in and tell me how to do MY JOB?"

It was at that point that dad stepped in, and he was yelling, which he rarely did. "ENOUGH! Miss Stone and Miss Tate, you are excused. These two don't need any help right now and it is unfair for you to sit here while they act like children." Yup. He was mad as hell because that vein in the side of his neck was popping and his jaw was locked. The locking jaw was a Sinclair family trait that we all inherited.

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