Chapter 3

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I walked towards the volleyball field, where I sat down with Will at the side of the court

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I walked towards the volleyball field, where I sat down with Will at the side of the court.
"So how's the new one doing?"
"The usual, can't believe anything, one continuous shocked face, oh and made Mr. D mad."
"He's always in a bad mood."
Will's right, but I have a feeling there's more to behind it, like he knows more about Percy than he's letting us on.
"Any guesses about his godly parent?" Will snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Would have to be male, since his mother died just before he arrived. But with Kayla as our sister, I wouldn't bet on it."
"Maybe a new brother?" said Will. "No, I don't think so, he gives some vibe of. It's on the tip of my tongue, but it's certainly not Dad."
We sat in silence for a few minutes. The last few days had been hard for both of us, as I had to heal, and he had to train with a sword, both our most hated activities.
Tomorrow we'll swap again and everything will be more relaxed, or so I hope.

All of a sudden the game is interrupted and Austin, who has caught the ball, shouts "There he is!" Will and I turned around, and my eyes immediately meet sea green ones.
Sea green, unusual.
Percy doesn't look happy about the attention. When he looks back down at me, I give him a thumbs up for encouragement, and he smiles back his sweet smile from before.
He and Chiron continued walking and when I turned back to my brother he grinned at me.
"Looks like the new one managed to make you blush with a smile."
"I'm just trying to be nice, he's had a rough day" I explained myself.
"Yeah yeah, I mean he's good-looking, not exactly my type but for you who knows."
I knew I couldn't argue with Will, so I got up and walked towards the cabins to check on Annie.
"You can't get away from me, I'll see you at dinner at the latest" Will called after me.
In response, I just showed him my middle finger.

Time skip

"That sounds like ... like you've been through that too?
I heard Percy say when I found him and Annie.
"Most of us here have been through it. If you weren't like us, you wouldn't have survived the Minotaur, let alone Nectar and Ambrosia," Annie explained
"Nectar and ambrosia."
"What you ate and drank to get back on your feet. It would have killed a normal child, would have turned your blood to fire and your bones to sand, and you'd be dead now. You're a half-god." I interjected.
The sea-green eyes met my light blue ones again.
"There you are," said Annie, and as I was about to reply a hoarse voice called out: "Haha! A new one!"
I looked around. Clarisse and a few of her siblings were coming towards us. I smiled slightly at her, yes I know how she is, but she also has a soft side that not everyone sees.
She usually only shows it to Selena Beauregard, a daughter of Aphrodite, and with a bit of luck Clarisse showed it towards me.
You might wonder why me, when I'm friends with Annie, who is a daughter of Athena so basically her nemesis, but as I mentioned before, I often have to help out in the hospital wing and Clarisse's ruthlessness means she often ends up there and we became friends.
Or something like that.
So there was something good about this job after all.

"Clarisse." Annabeth sighed. "Why don't you go polish your spear or something?"
"Sure thing, princess," Clarisse told others. "So I can pierce you with it on Friday."
Clarisse then looked at me briefly and nodded. That's always a good sign.
"Errete it korakas," Annabeth said in greek [Go to the ravens ].
"You don't stand a chance."
"We'll make dust of you," Clarisse said, and her eyes fell on Percy.
"Percy Jackson," I said, "This is Clarisse, daughter of Ares."
He widened his eyes. "Like ... the god of war?"
Clarisse sneered. "Does that bother you?"
"No," he said, regaining his composure. "That explains the smell."
This kid really wants to die, first Mr. D and now Clarisse.
Clarisse growled. "We have an initiation ritual for newones, Prissy."
"Fine by me. Come with me and I'll show you."
"Clarisse," Annabeth cut in, she knew I wouldn't interfere, he got himself into this and I don't want to lose what little friendship I have with her for someone I've only known for a short time.
"You stay out of this, you super smart one."
Annabeth made a pained face, but she didn't do anything else.
Percy handed me his Minotaur horn and prepared to fight, but before he knew it, Clarisse had grabbed him by the back of the neck and was dragging him towards the bathrooms.
He kicked and thrashed around.
I sighed, and Annie and I followed the group into the washrooms.
"The Minotaur was probably laughing his ass off, as stupid as he looks." I clenched my fists, I wasn't allowed to interfere.
Even if I managed to beat Clarisse in a sword fight, I didn't stand a chance without using my weapon.

Her siblings giggled.
Clarisse forced him to his knees and pressed his head down to the toilet bowl. 
That was the moment I closed my eyes until I heard something.
When I opened them again I saw water shooting out of the toilets, it was going in a high arc over Percy's head, and the next thing I knew Percy was on the floor and Clarisse was screaming behind him.
Water shot out of the toilet and hit Clarisse so hard in the face that she fell on her butt.
The water lanced out at her like a jet from a fire hose and flung her backwards into a shower cubicle.
She thrashed around, gasping for air, and her siblings tried to come to her aid. But the other toilets also exploded, and six more fountains of water threw the girls into the showers.
As soon as they had been flushed through the door, the water dried up as quickly as it had come.

The entire washroom was flooded.
Annabeth and I were not spared.
We were dripping with water, but hadn't been washed outside. We were still standing in the same place as before, staring at him in shock.
He shakily got to his feet.
Annabeth asked, "How did you..."
Only one name, buzzed in my head. The powers, the eyes.
"I don't know."

We walked to the door. Outside, Clarisse and her siblings were lying in the mud.
Several camp residents had run over and were making fun of them. Clarisse's hair was sticking to her face. Her camouflage jacket was dripping and stank like a cesspit. She glared at Percy with hatred. "You're dead, new guy. Dead as anything.". They dragged themselves to Cabin 5 to dry themself and hopefully wash up.
"What is it?" asked Percy, looking at Annabeth. "What are you thinking about?"
"I'm thinking," she said, "that I want you on my team at capture the flag."
With those words, she turned around and walked towards cabin 6.
I blinked once and with the help of my powers I was dry again,
"How did you...?" he began. "My father is the god of the sun and you're not the only one with powers." I smiled at him.
"So you are literally sunshine?"

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