Chapter 4

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Word of the incident in the washroom spread immediately

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Word of the incident in the washroom spread immediately.

Wherever we went, someone pointed at Percy and mumbled something about toilet water.

I showed him around instead of Annabeth: to the forge (where the campers forged their own swords), to the craft house (where satyrs used a sandblaster to finish a giant marble statue of a goatman and a couple of my siblings worked on artwork), and to the climbing wall, which was actually two walls facing each other that shook violently, dropping blocks of stone, spewing lava, and slamming into each other if you didn't climb up fast enough.

At last, we returned to the lake, from which a path led back to the huts.

"I have to go to training," I said apologetically. "Dinner's at half past seven. Just go to the canteen with the people from your cabin"

"Lea, I'm sorry about the toilets."

"Never mind, it wasn't your fault, at least not all of it."

"Annie would want you to talk to the Oracle," I said without thinking.

"with what?"

"With the oracle. I'll ask Chiron if she hasn't already"

He stared towards the lake, it was becoming clearer who his father was.
But I still hope I am wrong .

As I regained my thoughts, I realized that Percy was waving at someone, Naiads.

"Don't encourage them," I warned. "Naiads have nothing but flirting on their minds."

"Naiads," he repeated, "that's enough. I want to go home now."
I sighed, "You're at home here. I know it's hard at first, but this is the only safe place on earth for half-human children like us."

"Half human and half what?".

"You must know that by now," I could see his fear in his eyes.

"God," he said. "Demigod."

I nodded. "It helps to say it. Your father isn't dead, Percy. He's one of the Olympian gods..."

"That's ... Crazy."

I just kept looking at him

"But if everyone here is a demigod...",

"The official term is half-bloods."

"But then, who is your mother?"

My hands clutched the railing of the jetty. And so I had to think about her today.

"My mother is a waitress in Washington, although Chiron said the other day that she moved to Brooklyn," I said. "The last time I saw her was when I was a little kid."

"And your father is Apollo?"

"Cabin 7."


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