Chapter 6

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I'm not proud of the last few days

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I'm not proud of the last few days. Ever since Percy was claimed, he was considered an outsider.

Will looked at his healed wounds to check that everything was okay.

In the evening, when I was already in bed, he sat down next to me. "He's fine"

I didn't answer. "And he asked about you".

When I didn't answer again, Will got up with a sigh and went to bed.

For the next few days, I let it all out.

You might wonder why I avoided Percy and Annabeth, quite simply I hate confrontation and instead of thinking about either of them I distracted myself.

I ran, I shot arrows, and I trained until I even managed to beat Clarisse once in rattling, after that she won again.

But I couldn't avoid Percy and Annie forever, normally if I saw one of them I became invisible.

That always worked quite well, until now.

Once again, I sat next to the archery ring with the ulterior motive that neither of them would ever pick up a bow.

As I was about to fall asleep I was pulled to my feet and when I opened my eyes I looked straight into Annie's gray ones.

"I know you've been avoiding me and I understand why, but Grover has just taken Percy to the Oracle. This is our chance for a quest and the truth"

Without saying a word, she pulled me towards the big house.

"Well?" asked Chiron when Percy came back from the attic.
After Annie had volunteered for both of us, Chiron told us not to make ourselves noticed and to wait.
I used my powers to make myself invisible while Annie put on her cap.
She may be invisible to others, but when I concentrated I could hear her heart, her veins and her breathing so loudly that I could visualize her.

Percy dropped into an armchair at the gaming table. "She said I'd get back what was stolen."
Grover leaned forward and chewed excitedly on the remains of a can of Coke. "That's great, isn't it?"

"What exactly did the Oracle say?" urged Chiron.
Percy pondered, "She ... she said that I would go west, to a god who has turned. And that I would find what I had stolen and bring it back safely..."
"I knew it," Grover said.

Chiron didn't seem satisfied.
"Anything else?"
He hesitated.
"No," he said. "That's about it."
Chiron scrutinized Percy's face. He knew as well as I did that Percy was lying.

"All right, Percy. But you have to know: The oracle's words usually have several meanings. Don't worry too much about it. The truth often only becomes clear as events unfold."
Why actually, it could just as easily say what happens, I mean it happens anyway.
I can well imagine how Dad laughed his head off when the first people received prophecies.

As lightning flashed above us, I realized that I was zoning out again, great.
"All right," Percy said, determined not to give the storm a glance.
"By land, then."

What are they talking about again?
"Right," said Chiron. "And you can take three companions with you. Grover is one of them. Two possible companions, have already offered themselves, if you're willing to accept their help."
Our signal, right?
Annie won't budge, so still keeping hidden.
I don't know how long we've been standing here, but it's getting exhausting to stay invisible.

"My goodness," he said. "Who could be stupid enough to volunteer for a mission like this?"
Of course, he must be saying that right now.
Annabeth became visible and stuffed her Yankee cap into her pants pocket.
Ah, so that was the sign, a second later I became visible too.

"I've been waiting for an assignment for a very long time, seaweed brain," she said, "Athena's not a fan of Poseidon, but if you're going to save the world, the best I can do is stop you from making a mess."
"And as often as you provoke people to kill you, I could help a little too." I explained.
"If you say so," he said skeptically. "
"I assume you already have a plan, Wisegirl?"
"Do you want our help or not?"

The fact was, he needed us. He needed all the help he could get.
"All right," said Percy. "This has to work."
"Excellent," said Chiron. "We can take you to the bus station in Manhattan this afternoon.
After that, you'll have to see for yourselves how you manage."
Lightning flashed across the sky. Rain poured down on meadows that were supposed to be spared such storms.
"There's no time to lose," said Chiron. "I think you should pack up now."

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