New region, New friends?

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The bus stopped, and Yuuna, Miss Briar, and three other students left it, arrived at the station in Kitakami.

Yuuna looked around and was already amazed and excited to go around the region and to see the different pokémon and to meet the town people.

Miss Briar clapped her hands to get the attention of the students. "We have arrived in Kitakami! Our next destination is the community center in Mossui Town."
Suddenly, a student raised his hand and said that he's not feeling well. Miss Briar nodded and turned to Yuuna. "Would you mind going into town to get the caretaker?"
Yuuna nodded and made her way to the town, examining her surroundings.
"This place is amazing! I can't wait to see more!", Yuuna giggled.

Then she arrived at the entrance of Mossui Town. In the distance, she saw a big building, which was probably the community center. Yuuna also noticed two people standing in front of it. One was a tall girl with black and orange hair, and she wore a dark blue school uniform. The other person was a boy around her age, he also had black hair with dark purple and he wore a white jacket over his uniform.

As Yuuna came closer, they noticed her and ran towards her.
"You!", the girl said, "You're one of the outsiders from Paldea and you want to enter Mossui Town!" Yuuna nodded. "Yes, we just arrived and..."
"Shush it!", the girl shouted, "I won't let you enter! Not without a battle!"
Yuuna and the boy looked at the girl in surprise. "Sis, do you really think that's necessary?", the boy asked her.
"Shut up, Kiki!!"
"Aww, man!"

The girl looked at Yuuna. "Prepare yourself for battle!" Yuuna tried to tell her about the sick student, but the girl didn't let her. "Get in position!" Yuuna sighed and done as she was told.

"I won't let an outsider into my hometown!", the girl shouted and got her first pokémon out, Poochyena. Yuuna nodded. "Let's go, Mimikyu!"
Mimikyu came out of her ball and was ready to fight.
"Poochyena, use Crunch!", the girl shouted. Mimikyu quickly avoided the attack on her own. "Dazzling Gleam!" Mimikyu moved closer through the shadows and hit Poochyena with Dazzling Gleam, dealing massiv damage.

The girl was angry. "How could you?! Use Fire Fang!" The attack hit this time, but only Mimikyu's costume took damage. "Rough Play!", Yuuna shouted. Poochyena was hit again and fainted. The girl called it back and chose her next Pokémon, Vulpix.

"Vulpix, Flamethrower!", the girl shouted. The attack hit and Mimikyu's costume started to burn.
"Mimikyu, you okay?", Yuuna asked and Mimikyu nodded, but Yuuna noticed that the burning was slowly taking her health away. "We need to make it quick! Shadow Ball!"

Mimikyu moved through the shadows again, but because of the burning costume, the girl was able to see it coming and Vulpix dodged the attack. Vulpix used another Flamethrower, defeating Mimikyu.

Yuuna called it back. "Good job, Mimikyu! Let's go, Sylveon!"
Sylveon came out and directly used Moon Blast. Vulpix tried to dodg it, but still got hit, getting damaged.

Sylveon was fast, almost flying through the air. Because of that, Vulpix was unable to hit any attacks and was defeated by Sylveon's Draining Kiss.

The girl was furious and called her last Pokémon, Poltchageist. Yuuna was surprised since she had never seen that Pokémon before. "It almost looks like a Sinistea!", she thought.

"Poltchageist, use Stun Spore!" Sylveon jumped and was able to avoid the spores. "Moon Blast!" The attack hit, dealing some damage. Poltchageist used Shadow Ball and Sylveon threw her Moon Blast. Both attacks hit.

"Sylveon!", Yuuna shouted. "Syl!"
Sylveon was still able to fight, but the girls' Poltchageist fainted.

"Wow! You're defeated my sister!", the boy said surprised. "Shut up, Kiki!", the girl shouted while Yuuna patted Sylveon. Yuuna approached them and said:"Maybe you should be a little bit nicer to your brother." She smiled at him. "An outsider isn't telling me how I should treat my own brother!", the girl shouted again.

Suddenly, an old man came from the community center. "What's going on here?", he asked while approaching the group. "Nothing! Come on, Kiki!", the girl said and ran away. "Wait for me, sis!", the boy yelled and ran after her.

Yuuna giggled and the man sighed. "I'm the caretaker. I hope the two haven't been annoying or anything?" "No, everything is fine", Yuuna said, "I'm part of the group from Paldea and we got a sick student." Caretaker nodded and quickly ran to the bus station.

They enter the community center together and the caretaker explained:"You got the complete center, so everybody has their own room. Tomorrow, you're going to have a little task." "You better have some dinner and rest up!", Miss Briar said. Yuuna and the students nodded. They're all had dinner before they went in their rooms to sleep.

Before Yuuna fell asleep, she thought about the two trainers from earlier. "The girl was pretty mean but strong", she thought, "But the boy..." Yuuna started to blush a little. "I really hope I see him again!"
She giggled and felt asleep.

Adventure in Kitakami/ Pokémon Violet/ Kieran x OCWhere stories live. Discover now