The mask is falling

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Yuuna woke up and sat on her bed. She was still feeling terrible. She sighed, got up, and put on a fresh pair of clothes. Then she redone her hair, got her bag, and left her room while also trying to put on a smile.

She got to the entrance hall of the community center, and one of the students approached her, telling her that Carmine wanted to talk to her. Yuuna sighed again and walked towards her house.

She arrived, and Carmine waved at her. Her grandpa was there too and told them that he needed some Crystal Cluster from the Crystal Pool to fix the mask.

Suddenly, Kieran came out of the house, looking at them, especially Yuuna. She swallowed and looked away.
"Kiki! Leave u-!!"
"You don't need to tell me!" Kieran almost hissed at Carmine, "I got better things to do!" He left. Yuuna looked after him, feeling the urge to run after him and finally telling him the truth. Carmine put a hand on her shoulder. "We need to fix the mask!" Yuuna nodded, her heart still aching.

They made their way up to the Crystal Pool. As they arrived, both looked around for some Crystal Cluster but weren't able to find some. Suddenly, the ground was shaking, and a Milotic appeared from the lake. Yuuna and Carmine quickly sent out their Pokémon and defeated it. After the fight, Yuuna found some Crystal Cluster laying on the ground, which the Milotic had dropped. As Yuuna picked it up, Miss Briar suddenly appeared.

"The Crystal Pool is a mysterious place!" she said. "Miss Briar, why are you here?" Yuuna asked. "I'm just doing some field research." Miss Briar answered. "Did you know that the water in the Crystal Pool has the same wavelength as the Terastal energy! Quite interesting!" Carmine and Yuuna just looked at each other and left her, making their way back down.

As they arrived at the house again, they saw Grandpa looking quite serious. "What happened?" Yuuna asked. "Kieran! He took the mask!" Grandpa answered. Yuunas eyes widened. "He did what!!" Carmine shouted. "I knew it..." Yuuna looked down. "I knew it would have been better to tell him the truth!!" Carmine looked at her. "That wouldn't have changed anything!"
"It would have!" Yuuna looked at her. "Why did I listen to you?! Why did I even start lying to him?! Just because I thought you wanted to protect him! I lied to a friend and now... he doesn't even trust me anymore!!"

Yuuna felt her heart aching. She felt terrible! She was holding in her tears, but she knew that she was close to crying. She clenched her fists to calm herself down. Yuuna was somehow angry, but more at herself than at Carmine.

"I'm going to find and apologise to him!" Yuuna said. "He should be at Loyalty Plaza!" Grandpa said. Yuuna nodded and ran off. She didn't care if Carmine was following her or not. Her mind was set on Kieran.


She ran up the path to Loyalty Plaza and spotted Kieran, standing in front of the Loyal Three Monument, while holding the mask. "Kieran!" Yuuna shouted and stopped a few meters away from him. "I need t--" "Shut up! I don't want to hear anything!" Kieran shouted and turned around. His eyes were dull, and their light was gone. Yuunas eyes widened. She screw up! She just knew it!

"Kieran, I--"
"Kiki!!" Carmine stopped next to Yuuna. "What were you thinking!!"
"Shut up, sis!" Kieran shouted, glaring at both of them. Carmine was furious and wanted to say something, but Yuuna stopped her. "Kieran, please give us the mask back!" Yuuna said, trying to calm him down. He just glared at them. "Do you really think I'm giving it back to you after you lie straight in my face!" He shouted. "I know the truth about the ogre! That I was right all this time, but nobody believed me!"
Yuunas eyes widened. Kieran knew?! But... did he over hear us?

"You two knew, didn't you? You knew that the ogre wasn't the real bad guy in the stories..."
"The Loyal Three were the real bad guys, but the ogre's the one that gets treated like an outcast!"
"And you two did the same thing to me!"
"You treated ME like an outcast when you went an' met with the ogre!"
"You're no different than those villagers back then... You know how much I love the ogre! You acted like you didn't know anything, but you were laughing at me behind my back all along!"
"Liar! You're a LIAR!!!"
Yuuna's heart was aching so much. Was there no way to calm him down?

Adventure in Kitakami/ Pokémon Violet/ Kieran x OCWhere stories live. Discover now