Truth and Lie

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The next morning, Yuuna still felt guilty about not telling Kieran about the encounter from the festival. She left the community center and was welcomed by Carmine, who was waiting for her.

"Yuuna! Did you tell anyone about it?!", Carmine asked with a loud voice. Yuuna looked slightly down and answered:"No, I didn't..." She started to feel horrible. She really wanted to tell Kieran, but she knew that Carmine wouldn't let her.
"Good! Let's show the mask to my grandfather. Maybe he can help!", she said and they made their way to the house.

They arrived and noticed the grandfather sitting outside. He greeted them and Carmine tried to tell him about the ogre and mask, but Kieran suddenly came out of the house. Yuuna smiled slightly as she saw him, but her smile vanished as she saw his expression. He looked... sad. Something was defintly on his mind.

"Morning, what are you talking about?", he asked. Yuuna wanted to answer, but Carmine interrupted her:"That's none of your business, Kiki! Just go somewhere else!" Yuuna was shocked. How could she talk to him like that?! Kieran's expression turned even more sad. He looked down to the ground. "I see... have fun then!", he said and left. Yuuna felt so bad! She doesn't want to see him like this! She wanted to run after him, but Carmine stopped her, telling her that they had something more important to do and that he just needed some time to calm down.
Carmine was somewhat right, but Yuuna still thought about his sad expression and she would defintly talk to him later.

"Show the mask, Yuuna!", Carmine said and got her out of her thoughts. Yuuna nodded and got the mask from her bag and gave them to their grandpa. He looks at it for a while, then his face lighted up. "I see... so the ogre is still visiting the festival...", he said. Yuuna and Carmine were confused. The grandpa noticed that and said:"Dont worry, I'm going to tell you the true story about the ogre and the Loyal Three. She got passed down in our family by generations." He cleared his throat and began:

"Long, long ago, a man and Ogerpon arrived in Kitakami, but the villager were scared due to their appearance and forced them to live on Oni Mountain. Only the mask maker pitied them and made them a set of masks. With them, they were able to hide their faces and visited the festival. Three greedy Pokémon got attracted to Kitakami and they attacked the man, stealing three masks. Ogerpon came home to her home in ruins and full of anger she took the remaing mask, defeating the Pokémon who stole the masks. The townspeople misunderstood and thought the fallen Pokémon tried to protect the village from the ogre and named them the Royal Three. Ogerpon returned to the mountain and was never seen again."

"WHAT!!", Carmine shouted, clearly furious, "We were celebrating those stupid Pokémon for hurting an innocent ogre!! That's horrible!" Yuuna realised something. "Kieran was right... all this time! He somewhat knew that the ogre was the good guy! I want to tell him, please!" The granpa shook his head. "I would appreciate it if you don't. I don't want that he goes around telling everyone and getting hurt in the process. I will tell him when the time is right"
"When the time is right?", Yuuna asked. She wanted to say more, but she decided that was not a good time.

While Yuuna was in her thoughts, their grandpa looked at the mask and noticed that it was broken. He offered them to fix it, while Yuuna kept Kieran occupied. She hesitated but agreed.

Yuuna tried to smile as she approached Kieran, wating by the local store. "Done talking to my sister?", he asked as she stopped in front of him, "what have you two talked about?" Yuuna was split between telling the truth and Carmine's good intentions. "We... ehm...", she stuttered, "Nothing you need to worry about!" Yuuna lied! Straight into his face! Her heart started to hurt, but she put on a smile to not worry him.

"I see... ", Kieran said, looking slightly sad, "the next signboard is at the Paradise Barrens. You can go ahead!"
"Should we not go together again?", Yuuna asked. Kieran looked at her with a serious face and said:"It's fine! I'm gonna catch up to you!" Yuuna nodded and left him with a heavy heart.
Kieran looked after her.
"Why? Why did you lie to me?"

Yuuna arrived at the Paradise Barrens, looking around for the signboard. She spotted it a few meters ahead and approached it. Yuuna leaned against it, waiting for Kieran to arrive. While she was waiting, she thought about him and his reactions. "He's... acting so different... it feels like... he knows something... but that's impossible, right?", Yuuna thought.

Before she knew it, Kieran arrived, looking less sad. He looked at her and asked:"Before we read the signboard, would you mind battling against me?"
"Is there... any reason for that?", Yuuna asked. Kieran shook his head. She smiled a little and agreed. They both got in position.

Kieran sent out his Yanma first and Yuuna her Raichu. She wasn't really giving it her all, but Raichu was still able to defeat both his Yanma and Poliwrath, but fainted shortly after. Kieran's Furret made quick work with Yuuna's Arboliva, defeating it in just a few attacks.

Kieran was almost glaring at her as he said:"I see... you're not taking this fight seriously. Am I not a serious opponent to you!" Yuuna looked at him and said:"No! It's just..." Kieran interrupted her and was almost shouting:"Give it your all! Forget everything and focus!" Yuuna's eyes widened. He was right! Even if Yuuna's mind was giving her a hard time! She needed to focus. It doesn't matter who she's facing, Yuuna always needs to give her all.

Yuuna concentrated and sent out Mimikyu, who defeated his Furret with ease. Then she switched to Sylveon, who was up against his Dipplin. After just a few hits, Dipplin fainted. Yuuna won the fight, but she wasn't happy about it. She saw how Kieran was clenching his fist. "I'm weak... so weak...", Kieran mumbled. Before Yuuna was able to speak up, Kieran said to her:"Let's get this stupid thing done!" He turned to the signboard. Yuuna done the same and read it:

"If you see a shadowy figure approaching you outside the village at twilight, be wary. Don a mask at once, and hide your face. Do so, and whether the shadow is man or monster, you will pass each other by as fellow mask wearers. If you should meet the shadow when you have no mask in hand, then pray that it is only a man. If it is, you will live to see another day, and you will remember to never forget your mask again. But if it is the ogre, you will meet your end, as do all humans whose faces are seen by it. Once it sees your face, your soule will be forfeit. And you shall never return to the village."

"You know, my great great great great ... grandfather was a mask maker. He made a lot of them and he even brought the mask festival to life.", Kieran said, "also... I don't like what it's written on the sign! I bet the ogre felt lonely since it got treated like some kind of outcast!" He said the last part quite harsh. Yuuna agreed with him but wasn't able to look him into the eyes. She even tried to smile, but her heart started to ache. "Let us take the last picture to finally bring it to an end!", Kieran said and they got in position for it.

 "Let us take the last picture to finally bring it to an end!", Kieran said and they got in position for it

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Yuuna looked at it, noticing how different Kieran was on the picture. She looked at him and saw it there too. His eyes were almost emotionless. Suddenly he spoke up:"I'm heading home! I need to become stronger!" Before Yuuna said anything, he was gone. She felt terrible. How can she be his friend when she treated him like this? Yuuna started to run back to the community center. She just wanted to be alone for the rest of the day. She got in her room, hiding under a blanket while she was holding the ogre mask which she got at the festival. A few tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Kieran... I'm sorry..."

Adventure in Kitakami/ Pokémon Violet/ Kieran x OCWhere stories live. Discover now