A mysterious encounter at the mask festival

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They arrived at Kieran's house, which was a little north from the community center. Yuuna spotted an old man in front of it.

The old man looked up and smiled at them. "Hi, Kieran! You look excited!"
Kieran smiled:"It's time for the festival after all!"
"Yes, the mask festival!", an old woman approached them, "Oh, who's that lovely girl next to you?" Kieran blushed as he introduced her:"T-that's Yuuna! She's part of the same school trip as me!" Yuuna waved. "How lovely! Thank you for befriending our little Kieran!", his grandma said.
Yuuna smiled. "Of course! I'm happy to be his friend and I enjoy his company!"

Kieran blushed at her words. "Friends? Mmm... I like that thought a lot!" He giggled. His grandma smiled at both of them. "Let's get both of you ready for the festival!", she said and got both a jinbei. The one from Kieran was white, while Yuuna's was a light pink. His grandma also put her hair up in two buns. Kieran looked at her amazed, blushing a little. Yuuna smiled and asked:" Does it look good on me?" Kieran looked away shyly, nodding. "You look pretty!", he whispered. Yuuna didn't hear what he said and just smiled.

"Grandpa, did you saw--" Carmine came from the house and noticed the two, "Kieran and you!! What are you doing here?!" "Kieran invited me to go to the festival together!", Yuuna explained with a smile. "Oh, he did?" Carmine crossed her arms and looked at Kieran, who looked away, playing shyly with his hair.

Carmine smiled and asked again:"Where are the masks? I couldn't find them!" "I put them in the shed last year.", their grandma answered. Carmine nodded and ran towards the shed. "The first one gets to choose a mask!" "Sis!" Kieran ran after her. Yuuna giggled at the two and followed them to the shed.

"There needs to be another mask!"
"Sis! They're only those two!"
Yuuna arrived at the shed, watching the two looking for the masks. "Did you find them?", she asked. Kieran turned around to her and said:"W-we could only find two masks." "That's fine!", Yuuna said and giggled.

Carmine suddenly spoke up:"Let's battle!" Yuuna looked at her, surprised. "I'm showing you a battle in a festive way! I'm deffintly going to win!", Carmine said, confident. "Sis, is that necessary?", Kieran asked, worried. "Shut up, Kiki! That's between her and me!" Kieran sighed. "It's okay, Kieran. I don't mind!", Yuuna said, smiling at him.

Yuuna and Carmine got in position and both chose their first Pokémon. Yuuna was holding her best against her Morpeko, Swadloon, Mightyena and Sinistcha. She even used some of her other Pokémon, like her Talonflame and her Raichu. She even noticed how Kieran was cheering for her a little, smiling at her. His smile motivated her and she gave her all.
In the end, Yuuna won the fight.

Carmine was angry at that fact. "How could you?! I thought my festive outfit would distract you! How did you manage to win?!" Yuuna giggled. "I had a little cheerleader!" Carmine's eyes widened and she glared at Kieran. He sighed. "Fine! Let's get ready for the festival now!", Carmine said and put on her mask, which was portraying one of the Loyal Three. Kieran also put on his mask. Yuuna smiled at it, knowing that he got a mask of the ogre. Yuuna sadly didn't had a mask, but she didn't mind it.

"Y-Yuuna... if you want you can have my mask! I don't mind sharing!", Kieran stuttered, but Carmine glared at him again. "No, Kiki! First comes first!! She can buy her own mask at the festival!" "Aw, man!"

Finally, they made their way to Kitakami Hall, where the festival was held. As they arrived, Yuuna was amazed. The decorations looked amazing, all the lights were brightened up the night.
Carmine noticed her look. "I guess you don't have festivals like this in Paldea!", she said. "No, we don't!", Yuuna said, "We have some celebrations in Alola but not as amazing as this!" Carmine smiled and took out her phone. "Let's take a picture together to remember this day!"
They moved all closer together and she took the picture.

They all looked at the picture and smiled. Then Carmine explained:"The festival is held for the Loyal Three, as a thank you for protecting Kitakami. The mask I wear pictures one of them. But little Kiki here, rather wears a mask of the evil ogre!" Kieran giggled. "You know nothing about the ogre, Sis!", he said. Carmine shouted:"What did you say! I know the story quite good! You're just a little kid, liking the evil guy!"

Suddenly, Kieran ran off as he spotted a food stand. Yuuna took that opportunity to buy herself a mask. She knew directly which one she wanted. She took the ogre mask and put it on her face, sneeking up behind Kieran.

Kieran jumped and turned around, looking straight into the ogre mask. Yuuna peeked from behind the mask, smiling at him. "Sorry!", Yuuna said, "Did I scared you?" Kieran blushed and said:"Yeah.... it's fine!" He giggled and Yuuna joined him. Then, he offered her a candy apple. "Thank you!"She took the apple, their hands touching shortly. Kieran blushed and looked away shyly.

Yuuna took a bite from the apple and was on cloud seven. The apple was sweet and soft. "This is so good!" Kieran giggled at her reaction.
Suddenly, Kieran ran off again and Yuuna ran after him.

They stopped in front of a booth which was advertising a little game called Ogre Oustin. Carmine approached them as they arrived, looking quite confident. She looked at Yuuna and said:"I just beat my personal high score! Let's see if you can beat me!" Yuuna accepted her challenge and tried the game out.

Yuuna joined Kieran and Carmine again. Kieran looked at her, wanting to now how it went. She shakes her head. "I was really close, but it got quite hard at the end.", she said. Carmine smiled. "I, Carmine, successfully triumphs!"
Kieran gave her a soft smile and said:"You done really well, Yuuna! Next time you gonna beat my sister! I know that!" Yuuna looked at him, smiled and nodded.

"How dare you take her side!!", Carmine shouted. Kieran sighed. "You can have look around while I take care of this." Yuuna nodded and decided to walk around the festival a little.

While walking around, Yuuna noticed a little kid running around. She got a little worried and followed it. The kid stopped and Yuuna approached it. "Hey! Are you enjoying the festival?", she asked it. The kid smiled and jumped happily. Yuuna giggled. Carmine appeared and stood next to Yuuna, noticing the kid as well. Apon seeing her, the kid got scared and ran up the stairs to the mountain. "Wait!", Yuuna shouted. "It's dangerous in the mountains at night! You should better come down!", Carmine yelled. The kid jumped back and lost their mask. It felt down and Yuuna picked it up, wanting to give it back. The kid was still scared and ran off to the mountains.

"What was that?", Carmine asked. Yuuna thought about it. "I don't think that this was a kid... I think we saw the ogre!", she said. "What!!", Carmine shouted.
"Why are you shouting, sis!" Kieran appeared behind them. "Everything okay?", he asked. "Yes and you won't believe what we saw! The ogr---" "Nothing!! Just go somewhere else!" Carmine interrupted Yuuna before she could finish. Kieran looked sad, knowing that they were hiding something. "I see...", he left them.

"Carmine!", Yuuna shouted a little, "Why didn't you let me tell him?" "Carmine looked at her and explained:"I don't want that he feels left out, since he didn't saw the ogre! And I don't want that he runs into the mountains at night!"
"I can understand that. Then let us tell him tomorrow!", Yuuna said. "No!", Carmine shouted a little, "He would be heartbroken if we tell him! I just want to protect him, so please, don't tell him! That's our little secret!" "But that's not right!", Yuuna told her, "I can't lie to a friend! But... I can see your reasons... fine! I keep it to myself!" Carmine nodded at her as a thank.

After talking to Carmine, she tried to find Kieran. He stood at the entrance to the festival. She approached him and waved. "Are you done talking to my sister?", he asked. Yuuna nodded. "Do you want me to accompany to the community center?" She nodded again and they walked back together. Yuuna feeling a little guilty for starting to lie to him.

Adventure in Kitakami/ Pokémon Violet/ Kieran x OCWhere stories live. Discover now