Jurassic Howls (Buzz and Doug turn into werewolves)

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ADVICE: Buzz x Doug at the end 7u7

It was a peaceful night at the Jurassic Splash waterpark. Buzz was ready to get back home. He was just waiting for Doug to come.

Buzz: I'm all ready to get back home.. Phew..

He was waiting at the entrance of the water park. But suddenly he hears something like cans kicking nearby the trash cans.

Buzz: Huh?!

He quickly takes out his surfboard.

Buzz: Who is there?!

A soda can kicks by and Buzz was confused. But then he kicked the can back to the trash cans and he hears growling.

Buzz: What the-

Then a wolf comes out of the trash and growls at Buzz. Buzz was scared and he backs away slowly.

Buzz: Woah woah...! Calm down...! Didn't meant to make you mad!

The wolf didn't listen and pounces at Buzz, biting his arm. Buzz screams in pure pain.


Buzz grabs the surfboard and whacks the wolf with it. That made the wolf even furious and scratches Buzz in the right eye.


The wolf growls in anger at Buzz and then leaves the scene. Buzz groans in pain and slowly gets up. Holding his bitten arm.

Buzz: Ow... Why tho...

Buzz decided to leave without Doug before anything worse happens to him but then he sees the sky and the moon. The moon was full. And brighter than before.

Buzz: Huh... Seems... Bright...

And suddenly, Buzz felt something on his hand. Something growing in it.

Buzz: What the-

He looks at his hand and sees how it completely transforms into a wolf's paw.

Buzz: WHAT THE?!

His body was starting to transform and change. Feeling a lot of pain in his body.


His feet grow into paws, he even grows a wolf's tail. He also grows wolf ears and then a wolf snout. He grows too much that the rope from his whistle breaks. Buzz's transformation was complete, and he stomps on the whistle and breaks it.

Buzz: GGRRRR..!!!

Meanwhile with Doug, he was busy eating a hot dog. He didn't ate for a while so he decided to eat one before leaving.

Doug: Time to dig up this little boy!

He was gonna eat the first bite but then he hears a howl at the distance. But he didn't knew who it was.



Doug thinks that Buzz was in danger so he goes to check on him.

Doug: I better check on Buzz if he's okay!

He gets near the entrance but he doesn't see Buzz anywhere. Just his surfboard scratched, his whistle broken and parts of his shorts ripped off.

Doug: What happened here...?

He hears a whoosh behind him. Like if something passed behind him.

Doug: What the?! What was that?!

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