Wolf at the hub (R-T turns into a werewolf)

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It was a peaceful night at Starr Park and R-T was watching the cameras of the amusement park to see anything interesting. But since it was night time, nothing interesting happened. R-T was a bit tired so he decided to rest for the rest of the night.

R-T: *yawns* Nothing interesting... Better rest for the night... I'm super tired...

He was about to sleep but then suddenly he hears whimpers outside. That gave the curiosity to R-T.

R-T: Huh...?

R-T went outside to check and saw a wolf with horrible injures. R-T felt very bad for it that he went closer to the wolf.

R-T: Aww poor little guy... Are you okay...?

R-T raised his hand to the wolf but by the wolf's fear, the wolf quickly bites R-T's hand.


R-T took off the bitten hand and saw how the wolf was scared.

R-T: You don't have to bite the ones who try to help you! That's very mean!

The wolf whimpers from fear and a bit of remorse for biting R-T.

R-T: But that wouldn't mean I wouldn't help you out. I will help you. ^^

R-T went inside his home to get a med kit. His bite wound was making him get stressed by the pain.

R-T: Ow ow... This bite hurts a lot...

R-T finds the med kit and takes it. He goes outside and goes to help the wolf.

R-T: Don't worry little one. You'll be better in no time!

He starts healing up the wolf and healing its wounds. Covering the wounds with bandages. After that, the wolf felt a bit lighter. Feeling better.

R-T: Feeling better bud? Here, have this.

R-T takes out a dog treat and gives it to the wolf. The wolf takes it and eats it. It seemed it enjoyed it.

R-T: Glad you liked it. ^^

R-T raised his hand to pet the wolf, this time, the wolf didn't attack. The wolf allowed R-T to pet it, and the wolf felt joy and its tail wagged like a dog.

R-T: Awww aren't you such a good boy?? ^^

The wolf then went away. R-T was proud of himself for helping out an animal in danger. But he still needed to heal up his bite wound. And it seemed to be worse.

R-T: I have to heal up this wound before it gets worse...

He then starts having a strange feeling. A feeling like a wave of heat.

R-T: Huh...?

He looks up and sees the full moon. And he realized he's gonna turn into a werewolf as he got bit by a wolf and he started to have a strange feeling.

R-T: Oh... No...! OH NO NO NO!!

He started to shiver and by the pain in his body he collapses to the ground.


R-T's hands mutate into wolf paws and claws grow out of the fingers nails. It was very painful.


His feet also mutate into wolf paws with claws. He grows a wolf tail on his back.


He grows wolf ear above his head and he could hear a lot of sounds. This hurted him a lot his head that he had to cover his ears.


He then grows a wolf snout and he growled in pure pain.


And now, the transformation was complete. His mind was fully controlled, and he howled like a wolf now that he has transformed into a werewolf.


He growls and at the distance he could hear familiar voices at the forest. Seeming that they were looking for R-T.
They were the twins. They were at the forest and they were looking for R-T.

Lawrie: Are you sure this is the right way...? It seems we're getting lost...

Larry: Don't worry brother! I'm sure R-T is gonna be near here.

R-T hears them and goes to the forest to go after them. We're guessing the twins won't get away that easy...

-End (5 or 6+ favs for part 2, AKA Twins & the alpha part)

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