1: 𝑁𝑜 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑢𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑

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The clicking of the pen was the least of Kira's concerns. And yet it bothered her more than anything else going on in the room.

"Oh for the love of God Iida!" She slapped her hands on her desk. Disrupting the class that was currently in session. "Can you stop that?!" She yelled, turning to look at the teen boy behind her.

Tenya Iida was a tall rich boy that was the son of some famous pro. Which he was CONSTANTLY thinking about. His blue eyes widened in absolute shock behind his rectangular glasses. Setting his pen down slowly, like he was scared if he made too quick of a move Kira would tear him to shreds.

"What a delinquent. She could have at least politely asked me to stop! Though I suppose it's partly my fault for causing her such irritation. What would my brother think of me being such a distraction?"
Yep, his thoughts ALWAYS circled back to his brother. Or his father. Or his family name.

"My apologies." He said to her, bowing his head slightly. "Even though I suppose I didn't do anything wrong."

She rolled her eyes and turned back to the front of the class. Not accepting his fake apology.

"Kokoa!" Her teacher yelled. "Such behavior is unacceptable in a university such as Soumei Junior High School!" The teacher scolded.

"It should be completely unacceptable for a girl to speak like that in class and especially a quirkless one. And to the son of an esteemed pro hero? Unacceptable." The teacher's eyes were narrowed as he stared her down. She stared back. "You should know that."
"I wish I was allowed to strike my students. Maybe then they'd behave in class."

"Yes sir, sorry."
Kira said in a tone that had absolutely no actual remorse.

"Apologize to Iida." He ordered.

Kira hid her eyeroll and turned to Iida. Who waiting patiently. "I am so so incredibly sorry. Iida son of Iida. Will you please forgive me?" She said, her tone laced with several layers of sarcasm.

"What a bitch."
A girl to her left though, tossing her hair over her shoulders.

"Just what I'd expect from her. How is she even here?" A boy thought, turning his nose up and looking away.

"What gives a quirkless rat like her the right to speak to him like that?!"

"Yes, I accept your apology Kokoa."
Iida said genuinely, dispite the fact she obviously didn't mean it. "Even though you don't mean it. I suppose I should be the bigger person, that's what my brother would do."

The other thoughts weren't nearly as nice.
"The only reason she's even still here is that uncle of hers. If not for him she'd just be trash. She doesn't deserve the status that she has."

That one was definitely true. Without her mildly deadbeat uncle she probably wouldn't be here. But was that such a bad thing? She didn't think so. Half these people were only here because of their rich daddies.

She hadn't seen her uncle in well more than a year. The rich man traveled around Japan a LOT doing whatever it is he did. He was paying for Kira's apartment. That she lived in all by herself. And he also gave her a monthly allowance for whatever she needed. Groceries, eating out, buying clothes, cleaning products and whatever else she wanted.

But she didn't spend it on anything other than necessities often. She saved all she could, so that when she turned eighteen she could afford to provide for herself until finding employment.

Kira didn't know her uncle well. She had no reason to believe he wouldn't abandon her when she turned eighteen. Last she'd been around him the thought had crossed his mind twice.

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