46: 𝑆𝑢𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑

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The next day at school every chair was full but one. The one beside Bakugou, who had been texting someone since he came in.

Kira wasn't here.

No one dared to ask Bakugou about where she was. Everyone that knew had already told everyone else what happened. The news of Kira sucker punching Midoriya had been spreading like wildfire. Each student giving a different account of it.

"Quiet down now!" Mr Aizawa commanded. Walking to the front of the class. "I'm sure you all know what happened yesterday. Kira Kokoa has been suspended from school for the rest of the week. But she will be returning on Monday." He said, hoping to not be asked about it. "I want you all to know that UA has a very strict policy on fighting and the only reason she wasn't expelled is because we believe that she had a fairly reasonable motive to do what she did. Speaking of which, I'd like to see those that witnessed the incident after classes."

He looked at Bakugou and Midoriya.

"While we obviously aid you all in combat education I want you to know that there is absolutely NO reason to use physical violence in personal fights or arguments. And if this happens again Kokoa will be immediately expelled." He continued. "I am not at all condoning her behavior."

The students looked around at each other and whispered amongst themselves.

"This is the last I want to hear of this. Do you understand?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes sir!" The class all said in unison.


"Dude I need all the details... Like yesterday." Mina said the moment she sat down beside Kirishima. Kirishima blushed slightly at how close ethe pink girl got to him but then cleared his throat.

"About Midoriya a Kira?" He asked and Mina frantically nodded.

"Yeah duh! What happened?! How did it start?!" Mina asked. Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"It was so crazy weird." Jirou said, frowning.

"Yeah so we were just in there talking while we packed up." Kirishima started. "Then Midoriya ran in there and he was kinda crying and stuff."

"He was crying?" Denki asked, scrunching up his nose. "Why?"

"He said he thought he saw Bakugou hit Kira. In the hallway or something." Jirou told him. "Then Bakugou came in and grabbed her bag. So Kirishima asked where Kira was and he was all like 'fuck off' and Midoriya told him that he told us and he was all like 'what the fuck are you talking about?' and then Midoriya claimed that he hit her."

"Well did he?" Mina asked, feeling slightly angry.

"That's the thing, he totally didn't." Kirishima said. He said Midoriya was lying and then Midoriya accused him of separating her from the class and stuff."

"And then he said she was the weakest in the class and an orphan so it would be easy to get away with it. But Bakugou snapped at him and said she wasn't weak." Jirou added.

"But then Kira Walked in and heard all of it, so she sucker punched him in his mouth." Kirishima explained. The rest of the group gasped.

"What did everyone else do?!" Sero asked.

"Nothing really, Bakugou stood in front of her." Kirishima said. "Then she said something about Cookies."

"Yeah, then she walked over and gave Midoriya an icepack. Before she told him not to talk shit about Bakugou." Jirou frowned. "It was actually pretty threatening the way she said it. But she just walked away after."

"No cus she stopped and told everyone she ran into a door. And that Midoriya was either an idiot or a liar. Then she called him hair ball." Kirishima pointed out.

"And that's it?! She just left? What did Bakugou do?" Mina asked.

"He just walked out with her. He seemed pretty relieved though." Jirou shrugged, playing on her phone.

"Yeah, dude was totally panicking when Midoriya was saying all of that to the class." Kirishima frowned.

"What, like he was guilty? Maybe he did hit her and she lied for him." Denki thought.

"Why would she though?! I wouldn't lie for someone who hit me in the face." Mina said honestly. "Plus it doesn't seem in character, even for him. I mean it's obvious he has a soft spot for her."

"Yeah, and when I asked Midoriya about it though he said he heard her cry out and heard Bakugou call her stupid or something." Jirou recalled. "And apparently he just assumed he hit her."

"Okay but why would he be crying? And why wouldn't he go directly to Bakugou if he wanted to protect her?" Denki asked with a frown.

"That's a good point, maybe he was scared? I mean we all know Bakugou used to be horrible to him. Maybe he didn't want to do it alone." Mina shrugged.

"Do we though?" Kirishima asked. "I mean it's all just Midoriya's word against Bakugou's right? How do we really know any of it is true?"

They stared and thought for a second. Because it was true, everything they know about Bakugou and Midoriya's relationship came from Midoriya. They never thought to question it or get Bakugou's side because... Well Bakugou wasn't very approachable.

"I mean Bakugou never denied it." Sero said with a shrug.

"But did we ever give him a chance?" Kirishima asked. "I mean the moment Midoriya said what he did we all cut contact with Bakugou. We didn't give him much chance to defend himself..."

"All I know is what I see. And what I see is that Bakugou obviously has some issues. I mean he's angry and yells constantly. Not to mention how many times he's told people to Die before." Jirou said. "Sure Midoriya might be lying about some stuff. But I don't think it's all untrue."

"And what are we supposed to do now?" Mina asked. "It's not like he's interested in being friends with us. He never made any effort to get on our good side. He obviously doesn't care what anyone thinks."

Kirishima turned to look at Bakugou. But he wasn't sitting where him and Kira usually did. Kirishima stared at the chair for a little bit. "Doesn't care..." He wondered. "If that was true, why is he hiding?"

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