105: 𝐴𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑎

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"Alright! Everyone sit down." Aizawa said, turning around with the usual two boxes of names. "Students on the first two rows."

Everyone complied. Buzzing with anticipation, training was about to begin.
This was a time to show off, to show their parents how far they've come. How strong they were.

Kira glanced over at her uncle. Unlike many students she didn't feel the need to impress him anymore.

Sure there was a time not too long ago she would have done anything to see the look on his face when she did something amazing. When she was a kid she often made believe, where she'd beat up a bunch of villains that even he couldn't defeat. Where he'd be on his knees and praise her. Tell her he was wrong and she was amazing. That he wanted to give her one for all so she could be a hero too.

But she wasn't twelve anymore.

And one for all had a user. He wasn't a pro and he already knew she was...

Well not weak. Her uncle didn't expect more than intelligence from his niece. He now knew she was smart and crafty. He didn't expect her to be a fighter.

But he was still sickeningly supportive.

He gave her a smile and a thumbs up when he caught her glance. She looked away quickly, though that made him immediately think that she hated him and he was still an awful uncle.

Kira didn't know what to do with the guy. Honestly. She felt bad for him and also felt bad for herself, At the same time. It was annoying.

"This training exercise is a relatively simple one. A Two on two battle." Aizawa said. "All teams will be created at random, pulled from these boxes in just a few moments. The objective is simple."

Aizawa pulled something out of his pocket. It was a thin golden looking piece of fabric, the size of a bandana.

"Someone, in the cityscape will be this flag." He held it up, then clicked a screen. A diagram appeared. "Each team has a goal at their starting point. The first team to take the flag and bring it back to their starting point wins the match. If the match isn't done within thirty minutes all teams lose completely."

"So if I grab the flag but someone else takes it I still have a shot at redemption? Unlike the first time when someone just touched the bomb they won..."

"So like capture the flag... But there's only one?"

"I can't lose! Not with my father and brother watching!"

"Ooh! Sounds fun!"

"God I hate this pressure."

"The point of this is the flag." Aizawa restated. "NOT to beat each other up. Though I'm sure it will happen I don't think it would be wise to use all your time that way."

"Not that I expect any of these kids to act wisely..."

"Awh, I can't wait to see my son in action! I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures!"

"Sounds like what we used to do when I went here... These things actually do help in real life. It's kinda weird being back here now."

"He's so much better at teaching than I am... Isn't he?"

"This sounds dangerous...."

"Now I just want to remind the parents." Aizawa said, putting the flag down.
"These things can get scary. And dangerous. But these students are pursuing a profession that is extremely perilous. I'm preparing then for this is a controlled environment. So be ready for fighting and extreme combat. I promise you these kids can take it, if anything gets too out of hand we'll have Midnight and Cementos posted nearby along with recovery girl. Just like the sports festival except a little farther off. To intervene at my word."

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