107: 𝐶𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ

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A/N: Another... For my pookies👹

"Come on Tenya..." Tensei mumbled under his breath as his brother walked out of the small maze.

The cameras showed Kira crouched not too far away from him. But he obviously hadn't spotted her yet. He stood there, contacting Todoroki who was fighting against Deku. There was a lot of ice and fire involved. Deku had more of an advantage this time, with buildings to use. He could easily duck and dodge using them. Then hide and surprise him from the rubble.

Kira moved with quick accuracy. Leaning to the side and swinging a leg up. Connecting it with Iida's head.

Some of the viewers flinched at the quick contact. As Iida stumbled over in surprise a fell to the ground.


"I'm right here." Kira mumbled. She pressed her knee into his armor and grabbed the flag. Then she pulled his communicater out of his ear. "I'll take these."

Kira didn't want him to call Todoroki for backup. That wouldn't be good at all for her. So she tossed it off the side of the building.

Iida jerked and threw her off, she fell on her side and rolled. But used the momentum to get back into her feet quickly.

Iida was up too, his helmet had fallen from his hand and landed behind him. He didn't seem concerned with it.

"I should have known." He said, adjusting his glasses. "You'd find this place just as quickly as I would."

"Quicker actually." Kira informed. "But who cares? I have the flag now."

"I'll just have to take it back then." He said , she heard the hum of his quirk as he prepared to fight.

She looked at her hand. Clutching the yellow fabric. He had a point, it would be pretty easy for him to just snatch it back from her. His grip strength would beat hers without a doubt.

She looked back at him as he started running at her, the flag in his sights. It wouldn't be that hard to just take it from her.

But Iida had several weaknesses and Kira wasn't above a few shady moves.

She jumped to the side and shoved the fabric down her shirt. Where Iida would never even try to reach.

He skirted to a stop and she punched him in the face again, ready to swing to kick him in the face as well.

"That can't be fair!" The boy grunted, rubbing his jaw. "Come on Tenya! They're all watching you- you can't lose this!"

"Sure it is." Kira shrugged, fists clinched. "Come and get it tincan."

"I can't-" He stopped to think. "I can't take it... Obviously not. She has me at a disadvantage... Wait... If I can't take the flag..." His engines started again. "I'll just have to bring all of her."

"Really?" Kira asked with an eyeroll. "Fine then." She mumbled. Knowing she'd quite literally rather die than have him tote her to his checkpoint.

"I'd like to see you try."


"Oh she did not." Mina said, slapping her hand over her mouth.

"Why of all days..." Aizawa said, dragging both his hands down his face. "Did she have to do that today?"

Not everyone had even caught on to what Kira did with the flag. The ones that did thought it was either hilarious or scandalous.

Bakugou sunk down slowly in his chair. Watching Deku fight instead. "What an idiot." He whispered. Covering his mouth.

"Baku-bro is embarrassed." Kirishima thought suddenly. Now that he knew they liked each other he picked up on small things from them way more often.

The looks, the fact that they'll both go out of their way to touch each other. Even if it was just brushing hands or shoulders. He touched her waist a lot, she would look at his reaction when she told a joke. Wanting to see him laugh.

The whole thing made Kiri feel very single.


Kira ducked and dodged Iida's attempts to grab her with a delicate ease. Sliding under a swinging arm and creating an opening for her own fist.

But Iida was stronger than her, so two hits from her was worth one from him. But that didn't matter. Iida wiped his nose with the back of his hand. Was it broken? Because it certainly felt broken.

Kira just kept coming, she ran forward arm curving towards him. A balled fist aimed for his cheek. He caught it just in time, hoping to be able to hold her still with his new advantage.

But it was brief, Kira twisted and held his arm. Effectively throwing him over her shoulder. He landed with a thud and a grunt, she spun and twisted her knee into his chest. Trying to keep him down.
She reached to her ear to call Midoriya for backup but Iida forced his way back up. Arms reaching for her.

She lunged to the side and popped back up onto her feet, before being forced to dive out of his way as he ran at her.

He was at a small disadvantage. He couldn't use his quirk well in the limited space of the roof. If he went too fast he'd risk falling off. If he went too slow Kira could dodge him.

They kept going like this, their fists slapping the other. Kira's were harsh and quick. She used "cheap" shots and her superior agility to her advantage. His hits were hard and almost impossible to counter. Solid and painful if he landed them.

But he always had this hesitance. Before each one, after each hit. He didn't want to hurt her.

She didn't give a fuck if she hurt him. She knew he'd live, he wasn't so sure. It kinda pissed her off.

"ANY DAY NOW KIRA!!!" Midoriya yelled through her ear piece.

"Chill the fuck out man." Kira yelled back. "I'm busy."


"I have the fl-" Kira was interrupted when Iida hit her side. Throwing her into a wall nearby. "Damn it."

Midoriya was right. This was wasting time, they would end up in a draw if they kept this up.

But Iida was blocking the door. She had to get around him to get off the roof.

She could hear the sounds of combat between Midoriya and Todoroki. The crashing of bodies into walls. The crushing of ice. Midoriya's new tactic of using his feet has upped his game significantly. But Todoroki was still completely Over powered.

Kira got up and looked around, Iida was hesitating again. She was bleeding from the side of her head and that made him worry.
"Hey Midoriya..." She said, eyes never leaving Iida as she prepared her next move.

"WHAT?!" The boy asked, rather impatient. But she could hear Todoroki yelling and throwing ice his way.

"Look up." She said, Iida ran at her again. Determined to put an end to this. She ran towards him, waiting for the exact right moment before she dodged. She kicked his back and jerked left, running away.

Before he could react she jumped up onto the small wall that edged the roof.


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