Furies and Meeting her

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Percy Pov

Weirdly enough when I asked Delia if she knew someone with the name Zoe she looked towards me with the look ' WHO ? ' .

Annabeth murmured something like " huntress of Artemis " .

After that we just left the topic .

We all stood there for 5 minutes then the bus came . We all boarded it .

It stopped after an hour near a shop . Annabeth got up and asked " What do you all want to eat ? "

" Oh I would like a - Wait who said you are going alone ? " I said

" My brain ?! " She said with a raised eyebrow . I heard Cordelia mutter something like " always brain only "

Cordelia stood up and stated " I am going with you . " " No . who told you too? " Annabeth snapped back .

" This is mine and Percy quest so we both can decide who will go and who will not ! " Cordelia also snapped.

Ooohhh the girls are fighting .

"Ugghh guys if you keep fighting like that whole time will go out " Grover stated . " So better hurry and I guess 2 won't hurt right " I shrugged .

Annabeth looked a little angry but agreed . They both went out and I looked at Grover and said " We could have just vote " Grover started bleating -- ugh I mean laughing .

Cordelia Pov

Me and Annabeth went in the store together . Annabeth is not bad just a girl who looks down on my brother .

Even after a long damn lecture she is still the same . Maybe something happened in her childhood . I remember she came to camp at the age of 7 .

" Hey what do you think we should buy ? " I asked . Lets try a friendly conversation .

" How about candies ? I think I just ...ummm... You know ... " She tried to speak . She is trying to say sorry at failing at it miserably . I laughed and said " Its ok I know how you are feeling and ... Not everyone is your enemy . We won't try to kill you women.  "

We took a blue candy for percy.  A green candy for grover . A purple one for me and we took red one for Annabeth . We also took some chips and had a little conversation in which Annabeth told me that she actually doesn't know any of those flavours!

Me and Percy and going to bring her into the world of blue food . When I told her that she just blinked and said " What's that ? " " Human food " I replied to which she glared at me .

I went to take some drinks but when I came back Annabeth looked like she have seen a monster . Which she did by the way .

A woman was standing near the counter . Her old grey hairs tied in a bun giving her a stern look . She wore a green hat and looked like Mrs Dodds . Se have gnarled hands , paisely handbag in her left hand and a wrinkled velvet dress .

She looked behind and gave a real evil smile . Not like she had a warm grandmother face . Oh just a question . Does any Monster have a motherly face ? ''Not the time Cordelia'' I chided myself.

Well yeah its Mrs Dodds sister lovely . Maybe Mrs Dodds will also be hanging here only . Ooohhh maybe near Percy . Oh no . Near Percy .... Damn it .

Annabeth nudged me . " We should leave " I know its irrational but " What about food ?" I whined . I got a glare for that .

Dear  granny left and went outside maybe to gossip to ber dear old sister that she saw me . We went to the cashier paid the bill and left as soon as I could .

We almost ran towards our bus . But our luck as soon as we entered we saw 2 ladies sitting inside and by the look and one of them is Mrs Dodds .

They took window seat each . The one old granny was the same we met just 5 minutes ago and Mrs Dodds was wearing a shapeless orange knit hat but looked same as green hat granny .

I looked at Annabeth but found her already looking at me . " Go straight towards your brother and Grover . I will look after these two . "


" I ain't leaving my new friends because of 2 old evil granny triplets . " I just shrugged " Lets go together . " Annabeth seemed starteled by it .

As we moved towards Percy and Grover . I was pulled in seat next to Mrs Dodds .

I stifled but she said calmly " I can't hurt you daughter of Poseidon " Why can't she-? oh wait I should be thankful that she ain't killing me " Give me what you have stolen and we will part our ways . You brother and your little friends won't be hurt . " That was it . I creeped my sword and plunged it at her .

Annabeth caught my movements and did the same .

We ran back and told them " We need to leave ... Right now !"

And knowing me Percy followed and Grover followed too . One rule among us siblings if we run , you tum and if you don't you regret .

We snuck out of there and ran towards the woods ... A great choice to not get lost ... Count the sarcasm please .

Anyways Annabeth and Percy got into a little fight about How Annabeth is rude and Percy is idiot . I agree with both but rather keep quite that have them both on my head .

We went toward the road we found below the highway . Now thats how I know we are a lost case .

Suddenly a sweet aroma hit my nose . Burgerssssss . Friesss .... Junkkkk foodddd .

" It smell weird ... Like monster " Grover said .. Poor boy he was looking scared .

" C'mon its nothing just food " For someone smart Annabeth is just acting like an idiot . Percy is influencing her .

Percy also looked like a hungry  af so we went towards the smell . But before that a screech was heard . Oh shit !

That damn fury is here . Percy took out his sword as so did I . Annabeth was ready with her dagger and Grover ... He was holding bag as a weapon . When he sawe looking at him he was like " What ? " I just shook my head .

" If you have something to resolve why not come inside and we will speak about it . " A voice came from behind . It was sweet .

When we looked behind Annabeth saud " shoot " Then she and Grover ducked their head so Percy and followed them .

"Will you like to join us ? " She asked Fury . " No " she replied curtly . " I thought so . She wouldn't bother you till you are with me . Its a pleasure to.meet you again Percy .. " She paused but they way she said his name was like she was reminiscing something .

" Son of Poseidon. Also you daughter of Poseidon . I am amazing Medusa ." She spoke .

Why did ahe knew Percy's name and not mine ? Is she danger ?

" That one over there wants to tear you from limb to limb and I am offering Lunch . Choice is yours " After saying that she went inside . I looked at Percy he nodded . Annabeth looked conflicted but came in with us .

When we went inside the first words we heard were " If you think I will hold a grudge against you because you are a daughter of Athena you are wrong " She smiled . Then she ...


Hey guys !! I am back . Sorry for so long . Y'all must be so angry at me specially asuna551 . I have written it specially dor you only .This chapter is posted after so long and its not even that good . 😭😭 . I am not getting time . I tried to write more but I failed Miserably . Sorry guys .

Love ,
Happy 💞💞

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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