Fantoccio's Encounter

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Note:My AU can shapeshift because she's unique and why not.(lol)😎

                                    (My P.O.V)
  I wake up and check the time on my phone. I smiled and made my way to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. While I was eating my breakfast I decided to watch the news to see if anything exciting was going on.
   Once I finished my breakfast, I washed my dishes and started cleaning the table where I ate. I stopped when I heard the news mention something that caught my attention. Something about mysterious deaths at a mansion that's said to have been haunted for a hundred years. I asked myself, "If that's not exciting, then what is?" I ran to my room and quickly changed into a dark purple and black sportswear set (including a black skirt).
    I decided to take my hot pink hoodie just in case I got cold on the way there. As I set off on my adventure, I grabbed my phone and looked up directions to the 'haunted' manor. I knew it would be suspicious if I was seen heading in that direction.
    I need a mask to hide my identity, so I went to a nearby shop for one. After looking for what what felt like hours, I spotted a mask that matched not just what I was wearing but my unique appearance and personality. I paid for the mask and continued my adventure.
    I ventured towards the forest and once at the edge, I took a deep breath before entering. I walked for hours and eventually found myself lost. I was about to check the map on my phone, but noticed a building in the forest. Curiosity got the best of me and I went towards the mysterious building. I came across a theater and asked myself, "What kind of person would build a theater in the forest? Nevermind, it's definitely unusual but I can handle whatever is inside. I'm a strong, unique, and independent 'winged' wolf girl." I tried to open the door but I was locked.
    I turned around and heard the door unlock and open. I entered with caution bringing out my claws for protection. The theater in was dark and looked abandoned, I reached into my bag for a flashlight (still full of caution). The lights suddenly turned on making me jump, looking around frantically until I saw two silhouettes approaching me. I saw rows of seats and immediately shapeshifted and hid behind one of them, I looked over to where I was standing. I then noticed the two fingers come onto what looked to be a stage, I stayed hidden and examined the area.
    I assumed the one floating was a puppet, but the one on the ground looked like a kind of goat, or was it a rabbit, a goat-rabbit? I heard the puppet say, "Billie, find them, now. Once you do, bring them to me." I knew I had to get out, I looked around and saw a door in the back of the theater and attempted to sneak back there. I made it unnoticed and snuck into the room. Little did I know, I forgot to close the door behind me.
                            (Fantoccio's P.O.V)
    I looked around for whoever was intruding my theater, but no one else was around other than me and Billie. I noticed the door in the back of the theater was open and I told Billie to check the back room. Billie nodded and went towards the back. Eventually he returned with a unique looking female wolf who had an irritated expression. I could tell she was fed up with something. I heard her talk in an irritated voice, "For the last time, let go of my collar! Do you want to choke me!?"
    I felt generous and decided to help her out a little, "Let her go, Billie." I said calmly. Billie let her go,   and she shapeshifted instantly swinging her claw at me. I avoided her attack and tried calming her down,"WOW! I don't mean to pose a threat to you. I just want to know why your here." She started to calm down and flew up to me.
    She stared at me with her majestic lunar eyes meeting my yellow eyes. She took a few deep breaths and said, "I was looking for a 'haunted' manor, but got lost and stumbled upon your theater." She said with her arms crossed. She flew down and I remembered I never got her name.

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