Unexpected Guest

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                           (Fantoccio's P.O.V) 

    Just then, a male wolf came barging in and let out a terrifying growl, " Barnetta! Did you seriously think I wouldn't follow you!? How dumb do you think I am!?  I looked over at the female wolf, who appeared to be scared, so I thought I'd step in, "So uh, what's going on? And who are you?" I said with confusion. 

    The female wolf looked at me and said, " Well, by now you would know my name is Barnetta. He's my brother, his name is Brason. He thinks that because I'm unique I should live my life in hiding, for my own 'protection'. He's plain crazy!". I floated down and stood on the ground. Barnetta suddenly shapeshifted and hid behind me, in fear of her brother I assumed. I looked back to her brother, and noticed something I didn't see before.

    Brason was giving off a dark aura, no wonder Barnetta was scared of him. He suddenly started yelling at her and forcing her to go home with him. Barnetta kept resisting which made her brother more irritated. She barked in anger, which sent Brason flying across the theater. My eyes widened and I stepped back in surprise.

    Barnetta looked at her paws then at me, her eyes filled with tears and shock. I went over to comfort her, but she was scared and backed away, "Stay back, I'm a monster! One who can't control her own abilities." She was right about controlling her abilities. I looked around for Billie who was passed out on the ground. He likely passed out from the force of Barnetta's bark.

    He woke up and I pointed towards the back of the theater, "Deal with him, you know what I mean." Billie nodded, heading towards the back again. I approached Barnetta and started comforting her, "Listen, Barnetta. You're no monster just because you can't control your abilities. Honestly, it took me forever for me to control mine. You just need practice, and I'll help with that." She looked at me smiling, she suddenly started hugging me with tears of joy in her eyes       

                                  (My P.O.V)

    I let go of the puppet and took a few deep breaths, I looked around and saw Billie dragging my unconscious brother out the door. The puppet signaled for me to follow him, I then remembered that I had never got his name, "So uh, I don't recall you telling me your name." He looked at me with a smile and stopped, "I'm glad you mentioned that, I am the great Fantoccio! But you can just call me Fanto if you want. Now, let's get moving if you want to control that magic of yours!" I smiled and followed him, completely forgetting about my brother.

    Fanto took me backstage and stopped when we entered an empty room, "Okay Barnetta, It's time to start your training. Hit me with your best shot!" I looked around and tried focusing my energy. I let out another bark, but I ended up sending myself flying across the room. Fanto looked at me but smiled, "Okay, lets try that again. I think you need a sturdier, more balanced stance." I got up to retry, this time putting my foot behind me.

    I focused my energy and barked again. I really was sturdier and didn't go flying but I noticed that my aim was off, I stomped the ground in annoyance and tried over and over and over. I kept training day and night without stopping. Eventually, Fanto started letting me train alone, within about a week I had mastered my skills. Later that night, I said my goodbyes and continued my adventure to the manor.

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