A Deadly Incident

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                                 (My P.O.V)

    It's been hours since I left Fanto's theater, it was starting to get colder and colder so I put on my hoodie. I looked around while walking backwards but I was suddenly falling off a cliff. I tried to use my wings but I was too scared for them to move. I closed my eyes tight thinking about Fanto and Billie, the only friends I've ever made. I suddenly felt myself hit the ground and I opened my eyes to see a spooky mansion. I looked at my hands and noticed I had a purple glow.

    I grabbed my phone and tried looking at myself using the camera, but noticed I didn't appear in the camera. I started to freak out a little, "If I didn't appear in the camera, but I can see myself. Does that mean I'm a... a ghost!? Well, Since I'm already here. I might as well go inside." I walked to the doors and knocked with caution.

    I heard a voice from inside say, "Coming!" The door opened and a dark shadowy owl was standing in front of me. I smiled awkwardly and the mysterious owl pulled me inside by the arm. Once he dragged me inside he said, "Oh it's been so long since I had a new guest at my party." I felt nervous as we started walking. I looked up at the owl who was smiling down at me and I said, "So, my name's Barnetta. What's yours?" The owl put his wing around me while we walked, I blushed a little and looked back up at him, "My name is Barnaby. And believe it or not, you're a ghost like me."

    I thought to myself, 'So I really am a ghost. Barnaby doesn't seem like someone who would try to hurt me. But why is my heart beating faster than normal? Is it that I'm in love with him or a different reason?'I don't know but I'm going to find a way to the real world. I looked around and saw that we were in a well decorated room.

    Barnaby did mention something about a party so I guess this is what he was talking about. I saw small crowds of small orange and yellow ghosts floating around. I started to get nervous again and my ears went down in fear, "Sorry Barnaby, but I can't join. I'm very enochlophobic, so I think it's best if I don't join." Barnaby looked a little sad and suddenly started dragging me to another room, "What the hell!? Barnaby! Will you PLEASE stop pulling me everywhere!" We stopped and I looked around.

    We were in a purple and black themed room and Barnaby looked at me smiling, "Since you'll be here for the rest of eternity, you can have this bedroom. I won't be using it anyways." I smiled and hugged him with gratitude. I guess I was really exhausted because before I knew it, I had fallen asleep on him.

(Barnaby's P.O.V)

    Barnetta was leaning on me, fast asleep. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I thought to myself 'I never thought I was lonely until I met her, I feel like she's something I've been missing in my life. I don't know why but I think I like her.' I started blushing at the thought of me and her together, I set her on the bed and left the room.

    Later that night after the party, I saw her come downstairs and started looking around. She then ran to the door and I quickly followed her. Once we were outside she stopped and looked around again, I hid in the shadows to stay from her sight. She then held out her hands, and an orb of light suddenly appeared. 

    She then threw it to the ground causing a flash of light, I saw that her outfit had changed to a sort of assassin outfit. I blushed harder than before when she started singing and her voice was beautiful.  I headed back inside but I felt something was off, I looked back at her and was terrified by what I saw. I soon learned that she was possessed by some sort of dark spirit.

    I could tell she was in pain, so I ran over to her to check on her. She seemed to be fighting the spirit, I knew that I had to help her somehow. Then I remembered that my gem allowed me to control reality. I decided to use my gem's magic, even though to me it sounded dumb, I was willing to do so.

    I tried to share my connection to the gem and managed to pull it off, causing the spirit to completely separate from Barnetta and vanish. Barnetta looked weak and fell, but I caught her before she hit the ground, "Barnetta!? Are you okay!? What was that!?" Barnetta was unresponsive which made me worried. As I carried Barnetta to her room, she looked up at me.

    I saw that one of her eyes looked like mine. She started to say something, "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that earlier. I was born with a curse that I was forced to live with. I don't think I belong here, The only thing I'm actually good at is causing problems and-" she trailed off and suddenly started coughing. I entered her room and set her on the bed, then I left so she could rest.

  (My P.O.V)

    I woke up and looked around the room, I suddenly remembered what had happened. I got up and started looking for Barnaby but I couldn't find him anywhere, I thought for a moment till I suddenly heard singing from down the end of the hallway. I ventured down and the singing was starting to get louder. I started looking around and saw a hallway that was full of all kinds of deathtraps (like acid, lava, ect.).

The Ghost of the Manor (Barnaby x Writer)Where stories live. Discover now