Emotionally Broken Friendship

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                                  (My P.O.V)

I don't understand what's happening, it's almost like I can't control my own body. I suddenly felt some thing was holding me back, Billie was pulling me back and I managed to regain control of myself. She let me go and I fell to the straight to the ground. Billie backed up, I looked around as I got up and saw a gate in the distance.

I thought to myself 'I never fit in anywhere, this place was no different'. I started to tear up and started running towards the gate. Barnaby grabbed my arm stopping me, but I pulled myself away and kept running. I jumped over the gate and continued running. I soon came across a grave, and stopped to take a closer look.

I suddenly heard someone talking from behind me, "Barnetta, where are you going?" I jumped, causing me to fall in. I woke up and saw the forest I was in before I died, I looked around and saw a tomb. I walked down into it, I found a portal but it was closed.

I looked around and saw a symbol at the top of the portal, it was the same as the one as the ones in Barnaby's manor. I decided to call this place home now, I looked outside and saw it was daytime. I shapeshifted and made sure to increase my size to scare off anyone who intended on hurting me, "I feel like I'm a guardian without the scepter. I suddenly remembered about my power to change my appearance to whatever I want, I did so and I was beautiful like a goddess.

I realized my color scheme looked like Barnaby's, I blushed and tried to change it but I couldn't stop thinking about him. I decided to call it a day and rest, I walked over to the portal and laid down. Hours passed and I woke up to see the portal was open, I looked outside again and saw it was dark out.

(LOL Time skip skip)

It's been a month since I was at Barnaby's manor. I though to myself, 'I guess it's time I go back, my heart has been empty since I left.' I waited for the portal to open again. Once it did I jumped through, I then arrived at the manor and I ran to the doors.

As I approached the doors, I could feel my heart beating. I knocked on the door and Barnaby opened it, he looks as though he's been crying. He looked up and his face lite up with happiness. I walked up and hugged him, "I'm sorry I didn't return sooner, I've been so busy and-" Barnaby cut me off.

He told me to come inside, and I followed him to my room. We sat on my bed and I explained everything, I suddenly felt tired and I fell off the bed. Barnaby caught me and put me on my bed, he left the room and I fell asleep.

(Barnaby's P.O.V)

I made my way downstairs and decided to set up for my next party, I suddenly heard something from behind me. I turned around but nothing was there, I assumed it was probably one of the Barnaboo's trying to scare me or something. 'Idiots' I thought to myself, I ignored it and continued to set up the party.

After the party I found Barnetta in front of the manor again. I started to approach her,"Hey Barnetta what are you doing?" I stopped next to her. She looked over at me and smiled, "I'm practicing the new powers I got from your gem" I smiled and went back inside.

I heard something from behind me again. I turned around but only saw Barnetta, I immediately remembered about the spirit from a month ago. I rushed upstairs and watched Barnetta from the window, she must have heard what I was hearing. She was looking around in confusion, she looked up and smiled when she saw me.

I smiled back and kept watching her. I decided to go down and help her before she destroyed something. But as soon as I got downstairs Barnetta lost control of her magic, causing an attack to hit me. I saw her run over to me with a worried expression,"I'm so sorry Barnaby, I don't know what came over me. I'm only good at causing problems and–" I cut her off while straining as I got up.

We started to go back inside," It's not your fault, it's mine. I should've offered to help you with practicing my gems magic, but I didn't." I said as Barnetta and I sat on her bed. I started to think to myself,'Maybe it's time that I confess to her. No! I can't do it! She might say no! But she might say yes... okay I'm gonna tell her!' I looked over at her. She looked back at me and I struggled to build up the courage to tell her how I feel.

The Ghost of the Manor (Barnaby x Writer)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora