Entry #1

22 1 1

Ehoune, 1839, July 30

"Two hydrogens and one oxygen..." I carefully placed the two flasks on my desk as I recited the recipe.

"Two lizard tails, a yoyleberry, 5 fermented dream berries-" I was cut off by the sounds of a door slamming behind me, followed by panicking.

I slowly turned around.

"Needle, what is it now?"

The gray figure faced me. She was a human magician, as seen by her sparkling top piece and velvet cape. She adorned a large bow, wrapped around her head in red and black sparkles. Her left hand held a deck of cards, meaning she had just gotten back from a performance.

"Pin!" Her shrill voice shrieked.

As mentioned before, I'm pin. A human alchemist, dedicated to the arts of science.

"There's been another breach in the eastern wall!" Needle announced.

"So? Just get Leafy or Teardrop."

She took a breath. "Can't. They're guarding the southern wall."

I bit my bottom lip, thinking of something to say.

"Fine. Get your cards and cutlass, I'll be there in a second." I said.

She nodded hastily, before running back outside into the streets of chaos.

Once she was gone, I opened a cabinet with a skull marking on it. That was where I stored most of my poisons. I swiped a smoke flask, snake vial, and a few others before also grabbing my old rapier (Admittedly, I should've left it at home, now that I think about it. It was covered in rust, and the blade had seen much better days. The handle also looked like it was about to drop). The moment I opened the door, there was already chaos. Residents were running up and down the street, as fires and screams were everywhere. There was a quick rustle from the alleyway behind me. Unfortunately, I didn't notice, simply observing the anarchy before me.

A cold hand reached out to grab me; I twirled around to look at it in its slimy, bug-like eyes. A bug lion. A type of monster commonly found in these valleys, being the most common being you'll find here. They're not super dangerous (A typical scratch usually results in a cut), but their strength lies in ambushing. As before they attack, they pump adrenaline through their large bodies to heighten their impact. Before anything, a slicing sound was heard right after, followed by what sounded like a dying animal. As the monster dropped to the ground, a familiar green figure stood before me, mouth wide open in a smile.

"Ohmygosh hi!!" The leaf excitedly waved her arms. In her right hand, she held a glittering longsword (Which was almost double her size), fresh with monster blood.

"I've been looking for you everywhere! Needle warned me and TD about the attack, so her and teardrop are fending off the enemies. And I decided to pop over to your place!" She smiled like the sun.

This was leafy, if you somehow couldn't tell. She was a human guard, watching over the village walls every sundown. Despite her glowing and somewhat naive personality, she's plunged her longsword through countless enemies(Her current count is 99, she's going for an even 100. Monsters beware.).

"Really? How are Needle and TD holding up?" I asked, putting away my rapier.

"They're doing great! But we better get over there anyway, turns out the southern wall attack was just a distraction. Luckily, me and Orcrist were able to track down the actual hoard before they fully breached the wall."

I blinked. "...Orcrist?" I was constantly reciting new recipes in my room, so I never really knew anyone else other than her, needle, and teardrop. Luckily, it wasn't a person I would have to introduce myself to.

Leafy pointed to her longsword. "Orcrist! It's a new name I came up with!"

"I see." I redrew my rapier. "Well, me and... Uh... *Oravocado*," I gestured towards my sword. "are going to help Needle and Teardrop defend the wall."

With that, I ran off towards the eastern borders (With leafy following close behind, bewildered at the name).

The area where the wall was supposed to be was instead replaced by a giant hole, Dust coated the entire surrounding space, as sounds of swords clashing and howls were heard in the fog. I squinted, trying to look through the rubble and dust, spotting a vague shape in the distance. There, longbow in hand, stood a figure amongst all the fog.

Teardrop dropped her bow the moment she spotted me, smiling and running over to me like she had something to say. TD is a human explorer, though she prefers to guard the walls with Leafy (She too is going for 100 enemies. Per battle.). As I was saying, Teardrop ran up to me, rapidly waving her hands in a specific motion to attempt to convey a message. I raised an eyebrow. I couldn't understand a single word-or, hand motion, in this case, that she was showing.

Thankfully, I heard Leafy, one of the only ones who always knew what teardrop was signing, catching up to me. She stopped right beside my figure, panting heavily and struggling to catch her breath. Her exhausted expression was suddenly replaced with excitement when TD looked at her.

"Hiya Teardrop!" She exclaimed. Her longsword was coated in fresh monster blood, presumably from the attempt to get to us. Teardrop ran to her, briskly signing the same hand motion she had done to me; only, leafy could actually understand it.

"What's she saying?" I asked the lemon leaf.

She nodded a couple times while TD finished her sentence, before gasping dramatically and turning to me, who was concerned.

"The wall's holding up fine." She casually said, as if she hadn't just done the world's most overdramatic response.

I raised an eyebrow.

"And also more enemies are coming in." She stated right after.

Needle, who we hadn't seen at all since she went into the rubble, ran from the dust and towards us.

"Guys! What are you doing? I need help! There's at least 100 enemies there, and 100 more coming soon!" The sewing Needle gestured towards the hole in the wall; bug lions and other monsters were pooling in through the wall, guards helplessly tried to keep them out, only to get trampled by the massive hordes.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on it..." I pulled out 4 flasks of dream berry juice. "Everyone, take one of these, they'll heal you if you get in trouble." Everyone took a flask, rushing towards the enemies with their weapons drawn.


Okay I'm finally done(confetti)

I actually wrote like 20 Pages before publishing this story so if you see chapters coming out really fast then that's why.

1090 words

This is what they look like by the way (I had to rush it so no line art for today it seems)

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This is what they look like by the way (I had to rush it so no line art for today it seems)

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