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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside.

Well, more specifically, the sound of birds chirping outside and massive crowds. I groggily woke up, parting the curtains to look at the streets below me. People were laughing, cheering, even, which was rare. Because of monster attacks fluctuating, a regularly cheery person was hard to come by (Leafy not included). Suddenly, Teardrop burst through the door, making me nearly jump out of my bed, and making rapid hand motions.

"Good morning to you too, I guess." I yawned.

She grabbed my hand, dragging me downstairs where leafy and Needle already were. Leafy had some eggs on her plate, while Needy- Needle was stretching.

"Mornin'." I stretched as well, before grabbing some bread and taking a bite. "Good morning!" Leafy smiled, eating up the rest of her eggs.

"Morning, Pin, TD." Needle grinned, finishing her stretches. "I was pretty nervous today, so for preparation I only ate 12 bowls of cereal. Of course, I still don't want to overdo myself."

"Yeah, just to be on the safe side." Teardrop sarcastically signed.

Leafy giggled.

This year was the town's festival. Which meant fun, games, and way too many opportunities to spend money and gamble. Personally, I didn't like carnivals. They're loud, usually have too many people, and social interaction is oftenly (And unfortunately) necessary. However, this year I was thinking about selling some potions as a way to make a quick buck; There isn't much competition in the Alchemist business, anyway.

Here's how a normal carnival day would go: Teardrop usually has to stop Leafy from buying everything, Needle would perform tricks in her own stand, and I would sell potions. After a few hours, I would close up shop and go meet TD and Leafy. Needle would usually join us after another few hours, once she's done performing. We'd go on rides, get dinner, go on more rides, throw up, and go home. I stuffed some spare potions in my bag, price tags being put on the night before.

"Alright, let's go. The fair's already open, and I don't wanna waste more time."

"Fair enough." Teardrop motioned. We all left the house.

The morning had the sun blasting its lasers onto us, and not a single cloud (If you didn't count the merchant cloud passing by us) in the sky was there to shield it. Everyone was wearing festive clothing; bright colours and banners were everywhere (Aside from one in black, but it doesn't really matter). The roofs of houses were decorated with hanging flowers and signs. My stand was at the corner of a large merchant square. Needle had already scurried off to her own stand, and Leafy and Teardrop ran off to check out this year's games, which left me to set up the stand all by myself.

- ——— -

"Finally!" I yelled to no one as I placed the final potion. Setting up a festive stand had been... Something. By the time I had finished the sun was already in high noon, and the streets were even more crowded. I sat in my seat behind the stall, waiting for someone to come around. A few people and someone in black passed by to browse, but no deals were made.

That's alright, I tried to convince myself. Most people don't need super potions in their everyday lives. I'm sure someone will come by at one point.

12:30 P.M

Not a single purchase had been made yet. Hell, the figure in black even came by multiple times to browse, and not a cent was exchanged. At this point, I just closed up shop for the time being. I wandered around the busy streets, before finding Needle's stand. She had garnered a large audience and one in black, having performed for a couple hours at this point. Right now she was doing a trick where she would pretend to bring her shadow to life, amazing spectators the entire time. Surprisingly, I also found Leafy and Teardrop at the stand, cheering them on.

"Pin!" Leafy turned to me, hands full with bags.

"Hey Leafs. TD." I put my hands on my hips. "How long has she been going on?"

Teardrop shrugged. "30 minutes, give or take. Surprisingly she's been earning more than what bat wings from the south sell for."

"....Bat wings from the south?" I raised an eyebrow.

"50 bucks per wing, essentially." Leafy corrected. "Explorer, remember?"

I formed my mouth in an 'o' shape. Suddenly, something shifted in my pocket. It was the thing that Flower gave me. I held it in my hands, squishing it gently. Suddenly having an urge to see what it was, I gently unfolded the messy packagi

"That's all for today, folks! Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to go."


I was interrupted by the noise, quickly refolding the packaging and looking up. Needle had thrown a fog bomb, disappearing as the fog thinned. Then, I felt a tall presence behind me.

"Hey Pin and Leafy and TD!"


We all jumped as we faced the person. It was the magician, who had her bow around her arm.

"Hehe, did I scare you guys? Sorry. But anyways, I need to go to the banquet now, so... Bye!" And just as quickly as she came, she left in a cloud of dust.


"Let's go too!" Teardrop signed.


I'm back from the dead yall 

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