Part 9

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1:00 P.M

We scurried down the festive streets, approaching the grand palace. Dodging celebrating residents and sellers. Leafy, on the contrary, was a natural at this kind of stuff. I too tried to follow her movements, only to bump into someone. I fell back, and they stumbled forward. Their hood covered their head, being covered in diamond symbols, a stark contrast to the colourful clothes everyone else wore.

"Pin." An incredibly familiar voice rang as they turned around to face me. Their sage leaves rustled as a gust of wind blew over the whole street.

If you somehow couldn't tell, it was Tree.

I looked in surprise. Why was he here? Grassy and Flower were nowhere to be found near him.

"Ah- Uh... Hey!" I tried my best to form a smile. Tree seemed to share the same expression.

"Hello, pin." He waved. "I- gotta go with Flower and Grassy." He quickly scurried off into the crowd (Despite me not seeing Flower or Grassy anywhere around).

"That was odd." I remarked.

Despite that, we kept moving. The shadow of the palace was starting to loom over us. The front of the castle was covered in banners and decorations (Guess you can't be too surprised when the royal event planner is a literal puffball that glows a rainbow whenever she speaks). Outside, people were already pouring in.

"Leafy, hoist me up!" I shouted over all the voices. She threw me up onto her shoulders as I tried to spot Needle. After all, she was a giant needle wearing clothes covered in reflective metals.

"Do you see anything?" She asked, trying to look around as well.

"Nope! Just a bunch of people..." I reached into my bag, seeing if I had binoculars.

Unfortunately, there weren't any coincidentally convenient items in my bag, as I had stuffed it with books and potions. It's not like you can just have an inventory of space that's far more than you should logically be able to carry, after all.

Teardrop, who I forgot was there, hopped onto my head and pulled out a telescope (tripod and all).

"What the-" Before I could say it, Teardrop lightly stomped on my head, signifying that she spotted something.

"Look! Needle!" Leafy suddenly shouted, making all of us fall off. Dusting myself off, I squinted as I searched the direction she was pointing to.

"Leafy?" A high pitched voice called out. Needle was in a new outfit- basically the same as before, but with 10 times the amount of sequins and glitter.

She carried her boxes; which were taller than her, along with a suitcase, presumably holding her other equipment (But she was holding it so tight one would've thought that it contained her heart).

"Needle! Wait... Aren't you supposed to be at the castle?" I asked.
"Well, yeah. But a bunch of other people were also going, so I got into a bit of a roadblock." She gestured to the wave of others also carrying equipment; also trying to get in.

"That's strange. I thought only a few people were accepted." I observed the swarm of beings entering the castle, ranging from moths to Faeries.

"I thought so too. Oh well, let's go!" Teardrop motioned.



My brain turned into mush while writing this

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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