Part 5 of Inky doesn't know how to name things

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But Grassy wants to take care of her!"

I woke up again, still in the same room. This time, however, two different people were at the door.

The first one was tall, boasting many different colourful petals on her head. A bright and gentle cloak was wrapped around her body. Once again, there was the diamond shape on her necktie. She also had antlers on her, though they were bent upwards, as if something had pushed them up (One of them was obscured by a fancy beret). Her boots were made of metal, and had the same diamond shape. The second one was much smaller. His cloak was much simpler and acted more as a scarf, wrapping around him and his right arm. His antlers could barely be seen, and looked more like little stubs more than anything. He also donned a headpiece, this time in the form of a witch's hat.


"Shh! She's awake, put your witch hat on!"

The Flower shoved the garment over his head, securing it. She turned to me.

"So, uh... Hi. Tree wanted to know if you were feeling better." The flower announced. Her voice was scratchy and sarcastic.

"I'm feeling fine." That was a lie. My head was still spinning in ways I didn't know were possible, and my spine threatened to give out on me.

Flower, not noticing this, continued.

"Good. He also wants you to meet him in the kitchen." With that, they shut the door and left.

Stumbling, I tried to get up. My legs wobbled as I attempted to regain my balance, eventually flopping back onto the bed. Even though my whole body was exhausted, my mind certainly wasn't. It kept raising questions, like: "Why do some of the people have branches?" And most importantly: "How do I even move?!"

After many failed attempts, I stumbled down the stairs, hoping to at least see the kitchen in my peripheral vision.

"Do you need help, missis?" I turned to the voice behind me. It was the smaller one. His wizard hat was off, revealing one of his branches. Why did they have to hide them, anyways? I took a moment to reply.

"Yes... please." On a normal day, I would've declined. But when your legs are begging for mercy and your brain refuses to work properly, it would be best to lower your pride and accept.

He held out his hand, which I took, and we walked to the kitchen. I stumbled over my own feet at parts, and to ignore the stinging feeling, I looked at the interior. It was similar to the bedroom in the fact that EVERYTHING was green. Parakeet, Jade, Sheen, it was all green.

 I finally reached the table, where everyone was already waiting (Except for Leafy, Needle, and Teardrop. Where were they?). I thanked the smaller one before taking a seat. Tree looked at me as if he had something important to say. The Flower girl just looked bored.

"I presume that you'd like an explanation for everything happening," He took a breath. "But please save your questions for later; the explanation will answer most of the questions you have."

I nodded, and he continued.

"So, after you passed out, I fended off most of the monsters. In doing so, I used most of my mana. Teleporting you here took even more, so I had to wrap you in bandages instead, at least Until Flower came back." He paused, eventually continuing.

"You were out for a while, and Flower still couldn't heal you fully. She had also used her mana for something else." Tree gritted his teeth at the last few sentences, looking at Flower in a scolding manner. She rolled her eyes.

"When you finally woke up, it was the dead of night. That meant I couldn't use my mana at all until the sun came back. Luckily, you woke up at sunrise. I sent Flower and Grassy to check up on you, and when you went into the kitchen... Well, here we are now." He stopped.

I know it was supposed to answer my questions, but it only made me ask more. After all, it was just a summary with a few extra details, and everything felt like they were hiding something.

"Has everyone evacuated yet?"

"By now, yes."

I breathed a bit.

"Of course, there's another reason I brought you here." He leaned in. I suddenly got intrigued. Tree turned to Flower and Grassy. "Could you two leave the room for a moment?" They both nodded, Flower picked Grassy up and walked away.

Now, it was just me and the non coniferous evergreen in the room. I sucked in a breath, putting my hands on the table.

"Pin, I'm a trained magess. That means I can do a lot of abilities, such as predicting the future. Right now, every nerve in your body screams that something bad is going to happen to you and your friends. Be wary of new people who approach you, even me."

"Why would you possibly kill me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Armageddon has a weird way of messing with people." He chuckled a bit, before going back to his serious nature.

"That is all for tonight. You may go back to your room, by tomorrow you should be good enough to leave." I nodded, leaving the table. And leaving Tree back alone for the night.


New chapter yay I want to sleep now

Word count: 879

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