#2 I forgot to name this chapter

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10 hours later...

I had already used my dream berry flask when a miniature earthquake hit me (caused by an earth viper), Needle had used all of her cards (the cards were specially enchanted and could apply debuffs to enemies once applied by her) on a wave of bug lions, Leafy snapped her longsword in half; an earth viper had gotten a hold and refused to let go, and Teardrop ran out of arrows, resulting in her having to resort to close combat with her archavian dagger. The TL;DR here was that we were tired. And even with that tiredness, more enemies kept coming in. My hazy vision went over to Needle, who was chugging down her speed vial in an attempt to regain energy (unfortunately, the side effects do include intense fatigue right after the effects wear off. For even more context, she drank 10 of them.), throwing the empty glass bottle down to the ground and clashing her cutlass with the skin of a beast. 

Leafy couldn't even attack anymore, trying fruitlessly to ward off a jelly-landfish who was trying to grab her with its tentacles. Teardrop dove right in, plunging the landfish in its center, resulting in it exploding and leaving a gross jelly residue behind.

 A cold hand grabbed my sharp end as I whipped myself around to face it. It was a bug lion, but not like the usual furry, feline like others of its kind. Oh, no.

It was a leader.

You see, most enemies that come in large troops are ones that, alone, couldn't take out a particularly fast squirrel. But in a troop, there's a leader. Leaders (unfortunately) come with the benefit of insane armor, stats higher than a novice, and sharper claws than the end of my point. That description was the extreme version, the worst case scenario. Most leaders of low level enemies just take a couple more swings to kill. But those leaders (the ones I mentioned before) do exist. And VERY unfortunately for me, the leader I was facing was one of those.

Imagine this for a second: You're tired, have only a few more swings of your sword until it breaks, and you're face to face with a monster who undoubtedly has more energy than you. And as you're facing it, the only thing you can think of is how much it resembles a chicken nugget.


That was me.

As if time had slowed, I could see its clawed paw raising up to scratch at me. Memories of my life flashed before my eyes. Training, failed experiments, coiny, it all appeared right as its claws struck me.

The end.

Just kidding.

I'm not dead, I hope, but what happened afterwards had me questioning if I actually was heaven. Right before it could cut me in half, a flash of sage instantly plunged straight through the monster, releasing its grip on me. Sadly, that was all the information I got before I passed out.

I woke up in a strange room, and from the moment I opened my eyes, I discerned two things. First, everything was decorated with some shade of green, ranging from seaweed to mint (including the lights, which emitted a gentle, Lime glow). The second thing I noticed was my body. It was heavily bandaged, and I could barely move myself. Darting my eyes, I looked around, trying to see where I was. I was in some kind of canopy (it too was dyed basil), which stood at the corner of a large room. There were two seafoam coloured windows on the east and west side, each one possessing a variety of plants drooping down the windowsill (And yes, the plant pots were also green.). A bookshelf bursting with tomes lay right beside one of the windows, right beside me. To the right, there was a large desk also stacked with books, Parchment paper and pamphlets scattered around it. The roof had vines growing firefly fruits, which were the lights I mentioned earlier.

Now, remember when I said I noticed 2 things? I lied. The third and final thing I noticed was Needle. More specifically, Needle, Pin, and Teardrop were standing near where I was laying, talking to some unfamiliar figure. Their words were barely white noise, and I could only make out a few sentences.

"She should... The bandages... She can heal her... She should be awake..."

Leafy replied, but by then my eyes had fluttered closed.


Weee second chapter yay

This was much shorter than the first (742 words)

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