Chapter 2

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When Trinity arrived in her office, she wasted no time and hit the ball out of the park. Trinity reviewed her schedule for the day. Eden, one of the office assistants and her good friend came into her office to see her.

"So, how are you?" Eden asked curiously as she sat in the chair. Trinity knew that her friend was fishing for information. "I'm fine," Trinity smiled back giving her nothing. "Oh Trinity, don't leave me hanging. Do I have to beg? How did your date with Daniel go?" Eden beamed with delight and anticipation. "It was okay," Trinity said giving little details. Two months ago, Trinity had met Daniel Abela, a lawyer from out of town who was doing business at the paper. He was sweet and could not keep his eyes off Trinity and immediately began pursuing her. Of course, Trinity was cautious because she knew nothing about the man and had a history of heartbreak. He came across confident, charismatic, and real smooth. Daniel Abela was a handsome, Italian man with sweet words and much chivalry. It was obvious he knew how to court a woman and pulled out all the stops. "I see you are relentless in torturing me. I would like some details," she said bluntly folding her arms.

Trinity laughed at Edens's tortured face. "Okay, it was outstanding my friend. The candlelight dinner, the music, conversation and atmosphere were all dynamic. Overall, he was really nice and interesting," Trinity explained pulling out her laptop. She continued to share more of her experience with Eden who listened attentively. Eden clapped her hands after Trinity shared her story.

Trinity sighed thinking about the events in her love life over the years. She did not like the relationships that brought nothing to her life but regrets and heartbreak. Her mother was encouraging her to settle down. Of course, she was there but wanted to find Mr. Right. Trinity was a beautiful thirty-two- year-old and was anticipating marriage and children at this stage in her life.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Eden asked concerned as she watched her friend's expression. "It's nothing," Trinity reassured her coming back to reality. "Well, I hope he sees the gem in front of him and do not waste time sweeping you off your feet," Eden teased. Trinity smiled agreeing with her friend. Daniel Abela was indeed a mystery she wanted to discover. He was intriguing and she was excited to see where their relationship would go.

"In the meantime, what's new with your hunky best friend Elijah?" Eden inquired. "Eden, nothing's new. Elijah is dating Hope. You know this," Trinity reminded her. "I know but I think he is really interested in you," Eden continued.

"Eden, how many times do I have to spell it out to you. Elijah and I are simply friends. Nothing more my beautiful friend," she explained.

"Okay, Okay, don't blame me for holding on to hope," Eden said. "That man is so fine and he adores you so much. I have seen the way his eyes studies you closely. How you could be simply friends is commendable," Eden chuckled.

"You are grasping onto straws. I have no romantic interest in my best friend and he knows it. Eden nodded her head even though she did not agree with her friend's view. Elijah was bi-racial, tall and very attractive. Eden felt her friend was blind to the truth right in front of her.

"So, is it Elijah or Daniel?" Eden teased. "Don't you have work to do?" Trinity said annoyed with her friend. "Going. I know when I am not wanted," she laughed. "Goodbye," Trinity agreed typing her news story.

Elijah sat in the diner and waited for Trinity to arrive. It was always good to get a break from the office after dealing with an intense case. He started pondering over his relationship with Hope Turner. Hope was a school's principal and a friend for the last few years. He knew she wanted more and he was trying to get there. Hope had agreed to the occasional dates and phone calls. However, he noticed lately that it was not enough for her. Furthermore, he also recognized that Hope was weary of his relationship with Trinity. He recalled one of their most intense conversations about Trinity.

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